Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 27


Update:  2024.07.12


Mat. 27:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) having caused itself to become (genomenēs) early morning (prōias), all (pantes) the (hoi) chief sacrificial priests (archiereis) and (kai) the (hoi) elders (presbuteroi) of the (tou) people (laou) took (elabon) counsel together (sumboulion) down against (kata) the (tou) Jesus (Iēsou), and so (hōste) to put him to death (thanatōsai auton).


Mat. 27:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having bound (dēsantes) him (auton), they led [him, RE] away (apēgagon) and (kai) passed [him, RE] aside (paredōken) to Pilate (Pilatō), the (tō) governor (hēgemoni).


Mat. 27:3 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) Judas (Ioudas), the (ho) [mortal, v26:74, RE] passing him aside (paradidous auton), he having seen (idōn) that (hoti) [the Jesus, v1, RE] was condemned (katekrithē), having been made regretful (metamelētheis) he returned (estrepsen) the (ta) thirty (triakonta) pieces of silver (arguria) to the (tois) chief sacrificial priests (archiereusin) and (kai) elders (presbuterois),


Mat. 27:4 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legōn), “I have sinned (hēmarton), having passed aside (paradous) unpenalized (athōon) blood (haima).”


But (de) the (hoi) [chief sacrificial priests, v3, RE] enunciated (eipan), “What (ti) [is] [it, AE] to (pros) us (hēmas)?


You (su) cause yourself to see to it (opsē)!”


Mat. 27:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having flung (rhipsas) the (ta) pieces of silver (arguria) in (en) to the (tō) holy place (naon), he made up room402 (anechōrēsen).


And (kai) having gone away (apelthōn), he choked himself away (apēnxato).


Mat. 27:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) chief sacrificial priests (archiereis), having taken (labontes) the (ta) pieces of silver (arguria), they enunciated (eipan), “Is it absolutely not being outside1832 (ouk exestin) [of the law, AE] to throw (balein) them (auta) into (eis) the (ton) corban2878 box (korbanan), since (epei) [their value, AE] is (estin) [a] value (timē) of blood (haimatos)?”


Mat. 27:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having taken (labontes) counsel together (sumboulion), they went to market to buy (ēgorasan) out (ex) of them (autōn) the (ton) field (agron) of the (tou) potter (kerameōs), into (eis) [the field, RE] [being] [a] burial place (taphē) for the (tois) strangers (xenois);


Mat. 27:8 (LIT/UBS4) through which (dio) the (ho) field (agros), that (ekeinos) [field, RE], was called aloud (eklēthē), “A Field (agros) of Blood (haimatos)”, until (heōs) the (tēs) [day, AE] of today (sēmeron).


Mat. 27:9 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (to) [prophecy, AE] having been stated (rhēthen) through (dia) the (tou) prophet (prophētou) Jeremiah (Ieremiou) was fulfilled (eplērōthē), saying (legontos), “And (kai) they took (elabon) the (ta) thirty (triakonta) pieces of silver (arguria), the (tēn) value (timēn) of the (tou) [YHWH] having been valued (tetimēmenou), whom (hon) they caused themselves to value (etimēsanto) from (apo) [the] sons (huiōn) of Israel (Israēl),


Mat. 27:10 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) they gave (edōkan) them (auta) into (eis) [the buying, v7, RE] of the (ton) field (agron) of the (tou) potter (kerameōs), down as (katha) [the] Lord (kurios, YHWH) arranged together with (sunetaxen) me (moi).”


(Jeremiah stated this prophesy, but didn't write it down.  But apparently the prophet Zechariah did write down something about this event, Zec. 11:13)


Mat. 27:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) was caused to stand (estathē) in front (emprosthen) of the (tou) leader (hēgemonos).


And (kai) the (ho) leader (hēgemōn) enquired (epērōtēsen) of him (auton), saying (lēgon), “Are (ei) you (su) the (ho) king (basileus) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn)?”  


But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) shed light5346 (ephē), “You (su) say (legeis) [it, AE]!”


Mat. 27:12 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) in (en) the (tō) [time, AE] of him (auton) to be publicly accused (katēgoreisthai) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tōn) chief sacrificial priests (archiereōn) and (kai) elders (presbuterōn), he caused himself to decide (apekrinato) absolutely not one (ouden) [decision, AE]!


Mat. 27:13 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) says (legei) to him (autō), “Do you absolutely not hear (ouk akoueis) how many (posa) [statements, v9, RE] they witness down (katamarturousin) of you (sou)!?”


Mat. 27:14 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai)  he was absolutely not caused to make [a] decision (ouk apekrithē) to (pros) him (autō), but absolutely not (oude) one (hen) statement (rhēma), and so (hōste) to greatly amaze (lian thaumazein) the (ton) leader (hēgemona)!


Mat. 27:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) down according to (kata) [a] feast (heortēn) the (ho) leader (hēgemōn) had been accustomed (eiōthei) to sending away (apoluein) to the (tō) crowd (ochlō) one (hena) bound one (desmion), whomever (hon) they were desiring (ēthelon).


Mat. 27:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they were holding (eichon) then (tote) [a] highly significant (episēmon) bound one (desmion), being said (legomenon) [to be] Jesus (Iēsoun) Barabbas (Barabban).


Mat. 27:17 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), they (autōn) having been caused to be brought together (sunēgmenōn), the (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Whom (tina) do you desire (thelete) I may send away (apolusō) to you (humin):


Jesus (Iēsoun) the (ton) Barabbas (Barabban), or (ē) Jesus (Iēsoun), the (ton) [Jesus, RE] being said (legomenon) [to be] Christ (Christon)?”


Mat. 27:18 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) he had seen (ēdei) that (hoti) through (dia) envy (phthonon) they gave him alongside (paredōken auton).


Mat. 27:19 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of him (autou) causing himself to sit down (kathēmenou) upon (epi) the (tou) step of the tribune968 (bēmatos), the (hē) female (gunē) of him (autou) sent (apesteilen) to (pros) him (auton), saying (legousa), “... and [kai] you (soi) [do, AE] not one thing (mēden) to the (tō) righteous (dikaiō) [Jesus, RE], to that (ekeinō) [Jesus, RE]! 


Because (gar) I suffered (epathon) many things (polla) today (sēmeron) down on account (kat’) of [a] dream (onar) through (di’) [the sake, AE] of him (auton)!”


Mat. 27:20 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) chief sacrificial priests (archiereis) and (kai) the (hoi) elders (presbuteroi) persuaded (epeisan) the (tous) crowds (ochlous);


in order that (hina) they may cause themselves to request (aitēsōntai) the (ton) Barabbas (Barabban), but (de) they may destroy (apolesōsin) the (ton) [righteous, v19, RE] Jesus (Iēsoun)!


Mat. 27:21 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), the (ho) leader (hēgemōn) enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Whom (tina) do you desire (thelete) from (apo) the (tōn) two (duo) [of the Jesus, v20, RE], [whom, RE] I may send away (apolusō) to you (humin)?”


But (de) the (hoi) [crowds, v20, RE] enunciated (eipan), “The (ton) Barabbas (Barabban)!”


Mat. 27:22 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) says (legei) to them (autois), “Therefore (oun), what (ti) may I do (poiēsō) for Jesus (Iēsoun), the (ton) [Jesus, RE] being said (legomenon) [to be] Christ (Christon)?”


All (pantes) say (legousin), “Stake (staurōthētō)!”


Mat. 27:23 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Pilate, v22, RE] shed light5346 (ephē), “Because (gar) he did (epoiēsen) what (ti) malicious thing (kakon)!?” 


But (de) the (hoi) [crowds, v20, RE] were crying out (ekrazon) abundantly (perissōs), saying (legontes), “Stake (staurōthētō)!”


Mat. 27:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) having seen (idōn) that (hoti) he profits (ōphelei) absolutely not one (ouden) [profit, AE], BUT (alla), more (mallon) trouble (thorubos) is caused to come to pass (ginetai), having taken (labōn) water (hudōr) he washed (apenipsato) the (tas) hands (cheiras) [of him, AE] opposite from (apenanti) the (tou) crowd (ochlou), saying (legōn), “I am (eimi) not penalized (athōos) from (apo) the (tou) blood (haimatos) of this (toutou) [Jesus, v22, RE]!


You (humeis) see to it (opsesthe)!”


Mat. 27:25 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) everyone (pas) having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), the (ho) people (laos) enunciated (eipen), the (to) blood (haima) of him (autou) [is] over (eph’) [the sake, AE] of us (hēmas), and (kai) over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (ta) ones born (tekna) of us (hēmōn)!


Mat. 27:26 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) he sent away (apelusen) to them (autois) the (ton) Barabbas (Barabban).


But (de) the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun), he having been whipped (phragellōsas), [Pilate, v24, RE] passed aside (paredōken) [the Jesus, RE] in order that (hina) he may be staked (staurōthē).


Mat. 27:27 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (hoi) soldiers (stratiōtai) of the (tou) leader (hēgemonos), they having taken aside (paralabontes) the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun) into (eis) the (to) praetorium (praitōrion), they brought together (sunēgagon) [the] whole (holēn) of the (tēn) cohort (speiran) over (ep’) [the sake, AE] of him (auton).


Mat. 27:28 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having disrobed him out (ekdusantes auton) [of the outer garments of him, v31, RE], [the soldiers, v27, RE] placed around (periethēkan) him (autō) [a] coccused2847 (kokkinēn) king’s cloak (chlamuda).


Mat. 27:29 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they having plaited (plexantes) [a] crown (stephanon) out (ex) of thorns (akanthōn), they put [it, AE] over (epethēkan) upon (epi) the (tēs) head (kephalēs) of him (autou), and (kai) [put, AE] [a] reed (kalamon) in (en) the (tē) right (dexia) [hand, AE] of him (autou).


And (kai) they having fallen upon the knees1120 (gonupetēsantes) in front (emprosthen) of him (autou), they put him into [a] child’s role (enepaixan), saying (legontes), “Rejoice (chaire), king (basileu) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn)!”


Mat. 27:30 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having spat (emptusantes) into (eis) him (auton), they took (elabon) the (ton) reed (kalamon) and (kai) they were beating (etupton) [[the] crown, v29, RE] into (eis) the (tēn) head (kephalēn) of him (autou).


Mat. 27:31 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) when (hote) they had put him into [a] child's role (enepaixan autō) they disrobed him out (exedusan auton) of the (tēn) king’s cloak (chlamuda), and (kai) they enrobed him in (enedusan auton) the (ta) outer garments (himatia) of him (autou).  


And (kai) they led him away (apēgagon auton) into (eis) the (to) [place of [a] cranium, v33, RE] to be staked (staurōsai).


Mat. 27:32 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) causing themselves to come out (exerchomenoi) they found (heuron) [a] mortal (anthrōpon), [a] Cyrenian (kurēnaion), by name (onomati) of Simon (simōna).


This (touton) [Simon, v32, RE] they compelled into service (ēngareusan), in order that (hina) he may lift (arē) the (ton) stake (stauron) of him (autou).


Mat. 27:33 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having come (elthontes) into (eis) [a] place (topon) being said (legomenon) [to be] Golgotha (Golgotha), which (ho) is (estin) being said (legomenos) [to be] [a] place (topos) of [a] cranium (kraniou),


Mat. 27:34 (LIT/UBS4) they gave (edōkan) to him (autō) to drink (piein) wine (oinon), having been mixed (memigmenon) with (meta) gall (cholēs).


And (kai) having caused himself to taste (geusamenos) [[the] wine, RE], he absolutely did not desire (ouk ēthelēsen) to drink (piein)!


Mat. 27:35 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having staked (staurōsantes) him (auton), they caused themselves to thoroughly divide (diemerisanto) the (ta) outer garments (himatia) of him (autou), throwing (ballontes) [a] lot (klēron).


Mat. 27:36 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) causing themselves to sit down (kathēmenoi), they were keeping watch (etēroun) of him (auton) there (ekei).


Mat. 27:37 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they put (epethēkan) up over (epanō) the (tēs) head (kephalēs) of him (autou) the (tēn) cause (aitian) of him (autou), having been written (gegrammenēn), “THIS ONE (houtos) IS (estin) JESUS (Iēsous), THE (ho) KING (basileus) OF THE (tōn) JUDEANS (Ioudaiōn).”


Mat. 27:38 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) two (duo) robbers (lēstai) were staked (staurountai) together with (sun) him (autō), one (heis) out (ek) right (dexiōn), and (kai) one (heis) out (ex) left (euōnumōn).


Mat. 27:39 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) [two robbers, v38, RE] causing themselves to go alongside (paraporeuomenoi) were blaspheming (eblasphēmoun) him (auton), moving (kinountes) the (tas) heads (kephalas) of them (autōn)


Mat. 27:40 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) saying (legontes), “The (ho) [Jesus, v37, RE] bringing down (kataluōn) the (ton) holy place (naon) and (kai) building [a] domed-roof house3618 (oikodomōn) in (en) three (trisin) days (hēmerais), keep yourself whole (sōson seauton)!  


(For what is God’s prophesied true “tent”, his new holy place under his new covenant, the prophesied promise of the Father to place himself into believers to live in them as his new permanent domicile, a true “tent” not built with mortal’s hands but with his own hand, see Ex. 15:17; 2 Sam. 7:5-16; Isa. 8:14; Ezek. 11:16; Joel 2:28-29; Amos 9:11-12; Mat. 3:11, 16:18, 26:61, 27:39-40; Mark 14:58, 15:29; Luke 3:21-22, 24:49; *John 2:19-22, 3:1-, 4:20-24, 7:37-39, 14:2, *23; Acts 1:4-5, 2:16-18, 33, 38-39, *7:44-50, *15:16-18, *17:24, *20:28; *Rom. 8:9-11, 12:4-5; 1 Cor. *3:16-17, *6:19-20, 10:16-17, 12:12-28; *2 Cor. 5:1, *6:16-18; Gal. 3:14, 22; Eph. 1:13-14, 22-23, *2:17-22, 3:6, 4:11-16, 5:30-32; Col. 1:18-27, 2:6-10, 3:15; *1 Thes. 5:9-11; *1 Tim. 3:15; *2 Tim. 1:14; Heb. *3:4-6, 8:2, *9:11-15, *24, 10:21, 36; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; 1 John 4:12-16; Rev. 3:12, 7:15, 11:19, *13:6, *21:3, 22)


If (ei) you are (ei) [a/the] son (huios) of the (tou) God (theou), step down (katabēthi) from (apo) the (tou) stake (staurou)!”


Mat. 27:41 (LIT/UBS4) Likewise (homoiōs) the (hoi) chief sacrificial priests (archiereis) also (kai) putting [[the] Jesus, v37, RE] in [a] child’s role (empaizontes), with (meta) the (tōn) writers (grammateōn) and (kai) elders (presbuterōn), were saying (elegon),


Mat. 27:42 (LIT/UBS4) “He made others whole (allous esōsen)!


Can he absolutely not inherently power (ou dunatai) himself (heauton) to keep [himself, RE] whole (sōsai)!?


He is (estin) king (basileus) of Israel (Israēl)!?


Let him step down (katabatō) now (nun) from (apo) the (tou) stake (staurou), and (kai) we shall believe (pisteusomen) upon (ep’) him (auton)!


Mat. 27:43 (LIT/UBS4) He has been persuaded (pepoithen) in (en) the (ton) God (theon).


Now (nun) let [the God, v42, RE] cause himself to rescue (rhusasthō) [him, RE] if (ei) he desires (thelei) him (auton)!


Because (gar) he enunciated (eipen) that (hoti), “I am (eimi) [a/the] son (huios) of God (theou)!’”


Mat. 27:44 (LIT/UBS4) But (d’) the (hoi) robbers (lēstai) also (kai), the (hoi) [two, v38, RE] having been staked together (sustaurōthentes) with (sun) him (autō), [were saying, v41, RE] the (to) same thing (auto).


Mat. 27:45 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) from (apo) [the] sixth (hektēs) hour (hōras) darkness (skotos) caused itself to become (egeneto) over (epi) all (pasan) of the (tēn) land (gēn) until (heōs) [the] ninth (enatēs) hour (hōras).


Mat. 27:46 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) around (peri) the (tēn) ninth (enatēn) hour (hōran) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) shouted up (aneboēsen) [in, AE] [a] great (megalē) voice (phōnē), saying (legōn), “Eli (ēli), Eli (ēli), lema (lema) sabachthani (sabachthani)!?”


This (tout’) is (estin), “God (thee) of me (mou), God (thee) of me (mou), you left me down in (enkatelipes me) [this, AE] in order for what (hinati)!?”


(For who is Jesus Christ’s God, see Mat. 27:46; Mark 15:34; John 20:17; Rom. 15:6; Heb. 1:9; 1 Pet. 1:3; Rev. 3:2, 12)


Mat. 27:47 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) some (tines) of the (tōn) [chief sacrificial priests, v41, RE] having stood (hestēkotōn) there (ekei), having heard (akousantes), they were saying (elegon) that (hoti), “This (houtos) [Jesus, v46, RE] calls (phōnei) for Elijah (Hlian).”


Mat. 27:48 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) straightaway (eutheōs) one (heis) out (ex) of them (autōn) having run (dramōn), and (kai) having taken (labōn) and (kai) having filled (plēsas) [a] sponge (spongon) [with, AE] wine vinegar (oxous), and (kai) having placed it around (peritheis) [a] reed (kalamō), he was giving [a] drink (epotizen) to him (auton).


Mat. 27:49 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) rest (loipoi) were saying (elegon), “Let [it, AE] go (aphes);


we may see (idōmen) if (ei) Elijah (Hlias) causes himself to come (erchetai), making him whole (sōsōn auton)!”


Mat. 27:50 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous), again (palin) having cried (kraxas) [with, AE] [a] great (megalē) voice (phōnē), let go (aphēken) of the (to) Spirit (pneuma).


Mat. 27:51 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou), the (to) curtain (katapetasma) of the (tou) holy place (naou) was split (eschisthē) from (ap’) up above (anōthen) until (heōs) down below (katō), into (eis) two (duo) [curtains, RE]!


And (kai) the (hē) land (gē) quaked (eseisthē), and (kai) the (hai) rocks (petrai) were split (eschisthēsan),


Mat. 27:52 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) the (ta) memorials (mnēmeia) were opened up (aneōchthēsan).  


And (kai) many (polla) bodies (sōmata) of the (tōn) holy ones (hagiōn) having been caused to rest (kekoimēmenōn) were awoken (ēgerthēsan).


Mat. 27:53 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [the bodies, v52, RE] having come out (exelthontes) out (ek) of the (tōn) memorials (mnēmeiōn) with (meta) [the passing, AE] of the (tēn) awakening (egersin) of him (autou), they entered in (eisēlthon) into (eis) the (tēn) holy (hagian) city (polin), and (kai) [the bodies, v52, RE] were manifested (enephanisthēsan) to many (pollois).


Mat. 27:54 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) centurion (hekatontarchos), and (kai) the (hoi) [soldiers, v27, RE] with (met’) him (autou) watching (tērountes) the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun), having seen (idontes) the (ton) earthquake (seismon) and (kai) the things (ta) having caused themselves to come to pass (genomena), they were caused to be in fear (ephobēthēsan) extremely (sphodra), saying (legontes), “Truly (alēthōs) this (houtos) [Jesus, v46, RE] was being (ēn) [a/the] son (huios) of God (theou)!”


Mat. 27:55 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) there were being (ēsan) there (ekei) many (pollai) females (gunaikes) observing (theōrousai) from (apo) afar (makrothen), who (haitines) followed (ēkolouthēsan) the (tō) Jesus (Iēsou) from (apo) the (tēs) Galilee (Galilaias), ministering (diakonousai) to him (autō);


Mat. 27:56 (LIT/UBS4) among (en) whom (hais) was (ēn) Mariam (Maria), the (hē) Magdalene (Magdalēnē) [female, v55, RE], and (kai) Mariam (Maria) the (hē) mother (mētēr) of the (tou) James (Iakōbon) and (kai) of Joses (Iōsēph), and (kai) the (hē) mother (mētēr) of the (tōn) sons (huiōn) of Zebedee (Zebedaiou).


Mat. 27:57 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) evening (opsias) having caused itself to come (genomenēs), [a] mortal (anthrōpos) came (ēlthen), [a] rich (plousias) [mortal, RE] from (apo) Arimathea (Harimathaias), of the name (tounoma) Joseph (Iōsēph), who (hos) himself (autos) also (kai) was discipled (emathēteuthē) to the (tō) Jesus (Iēsou).


Mat. 27:58 (LIT/UBS4) This (houtos) [disciple, v57, RE], having come to (proselthōn) the (tō) Pilate (Pilatō), he caused himself to request (ētēsato) the (to) body (sōma) of the (tou) Jesus (Iēsou).


Then (tote) the (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) ordered (ekeleusen) [the body, RE] to be given away (apodothēnai).


Mat. 27:59 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) Joseph (Iōsēph) having received (labōn) the (to) body (sōma), he rolled it in (enetulixen auto) in (en) to [a] cleansed (kathara) linen sheet (sidoni),


Mat. 27:60 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) placed (ethēken) it (auto) in (en) the (tō) new (kainō) memorial (mnēmeiō) of him (autou), which (ho) he quarried (elatomēsen) in (en) to the (tē) rock (petra)


And (kai) having rolled to (proskulisas) the (tē) door (thura) of the (tou) memorial (mnēmeiou) [a] great (megan) stone (lithon), he went away (apēlthen).


Mat. 27:61 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) there (ekei) was (ēn) Mariam (Mariam), the (hē) Magdalene (Magdalēnē) [female, v55, RE], and (kai) the (hē) other (allē) Mariam (Maria), causing themselves to sit down (kathēmenai) opposite from (apenanti) the (tou) burial place (taphou).


Mat. 27:62 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) upon the morrow (tē epaurion), which (hētis) is (estin) with (meta) [the passing, AE] of the (tēn) preparation (paraskeuēn), the (hoi) chief sacrificial priests (archiereis) and (kai) the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi) were brought together (sunēchthēsan) to (pros) Pilate (Pilaton),


Mat. 27:63 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legontes), “Lord (kurie), we were reminded (emnēsthēmen) that (hoti) that (ekeinos) [Jesus, v57, RE], the (ho) wandering (planos) [Jesus, v57, RE], he enunciated (eipen) while yet (eti) living (zōn), ‘With (meta) [the passing, AE] of three (treis) days (hēmeras) I am awakened (egeiromai)!’ 


(For “wanderer” see 1 Tim. 4:1; 1 John 4:6; 2 John 1:7)


(For Jesus standing up on the third day, see Psa. 16:10; Mat. 16:21, 17:23, 20:18-19, 27:62-63; Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:32-34; *Luke 9:22, 18:31-34, 24:1-8, 44-46; John 20:9; Acts 10:40; 1 Cor. 15:4)


Mat. 27:64 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), order (keleuson) the (ton) burial place (taphon) to be secured (asphalisthēnai) until (heōs) the (tēs) third (tritēs) day (hēmeras);


[so that, AE] at no time (mēpote), the (hoi) disciples (mathētai) of him (autou) having come (elthontes), they may steal (klepsōsin) it (auton) and (kai) they may enunciate (eipōsin) to the (tō) people (laō) he was awoken (ēgerthē) from (apo) the (tōn) dead ones (nekrōn);


and (kai) the (hē) last (eschatē) wandering (planē) shall be (estai) [a] worse (cheirōn) [wandering, RE] [than, AE] the (tēs) first (prōtēs) [wandering, RE]!"


Mat. 27:65 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Pilate (Pilatos) shed light5346 (ephē) to them (autois), “You have (echete) [a] custodian (koustōdian)!

Get underway (hupagete).


Cause yourselves to secure (asphalisasthe) [the burial place, v64, RE] as (hōs) you have seen (oidate).”


Mat. 27:66 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) [chief sacrificial priests and the Pharisees, v62, RE] having gone (poreuthentes), they caused themselves to secure (ēsphalisanto) the (ton) burial place (taphon), having sealed (sphragisantes) the (ton) stone (lithon) with (meta) the (tēs) custodian (koustōdias).