Chapter 3
Update: 2024.06.23
Acts 3:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Peter (Petros) and (kai) John (Iōannēs) were walking up (anebainon) into (eis) the (to) sacred place (hieron) over (epi) the (tēn) hour (hōran) of the (tēs) prayer of well-thankfulness to4335 (proseuchēs) [God, AE], the (tēn) ninth (enatēn) [hour, RE].
Acts 3:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [a] certain (tis) male (anēr), [a] lame one (chōlos) out (ek) of [the] belly (koilias) of [the] mother (mētros) of him (autou), he being one under control (huparchōn), was being carried (ebastazeto), whom (hon) they were putting (etithoun) down (kath’) [each, AE] day (hēmeran) toward (pros) the (tēn) door (thuran) of the (tou) sacred place (hierou), the (tēn) [door, RE] being said (legomenēn) [to be] Beautiful (hōraian), [at, AE] the (tou) [ninth hour, v1, RE], to request (aitein) [an] act of mercy (eleēmosunēn) alongside (para) of the ones (tōn) causing themselves to go in (eisporeuomenōn) into (eis) the (to) sacred place (heiron);
Acts 3:3 (LIT/UBS4) who (hos) having seen (idōn) Peter (Petron) and (kai) John (Iōnnēn) being about (mellontas) to go in (eisienai) into (eis) the (to) sacred place (hieron), he was inquiring (ērōta) [of them, AE] to receive (labein) [an] act of mercy (eleēmosunēn).
Acts 3:4 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Peter (Petros) having gazed intently (atenisas) into (eis) him (auton), together with (sun) the (tō) John (Iōannē), he enunciated (eipen), “Look (blepson) into (eis) us (hēmas).”
Acts 3:5 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [lame one, v2, RE] was lingering over (epeichen) them (autois), expecting (prosdokōn) to receive (labein) something (ti) alongside (par’) of them (autōn).
Acts 3:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Peter (Petros) enunciated (eipen), “Silver (argurion) and (kai) gold (chrusion) is absolutely not under control (ouch huparchei) to me (moi)!
But (de) what (ho) I hold (echō), this (touto) I give (didōmi) to you (soi);
In (en) the (tō) name (onomati) of Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou) of the (tou) Nazareth (Nazōraiou), be awake (egeire) and (kai) walk around (peripatei)!”
Acts 3:7 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (tēs) right (dexias) hand (cheiros) [of Peter, v6, RE] having caught (piasas) him (auton), he awoke (ēgeiren) him (auton).
But (de) the (hai) walkers939 (baseis) of him (autou), and (kai) the (ta) ankles (sphudra) particularly (parachrēma), were made solid (estereōthēsan).
Acts 3:8 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) causing himself to jump up (exallomenos) he stood (estē), and (kai) he was walking around (periepatei).
And (kai) he entered in (eisēlthen) together with (sun) them (autois) into (eis) the (to) sacred place (hieron), walking around (peripatōn), and (kai) causing himself to jump (hallomenos), and (kai) praising (ainōn) the (ton) God (theon).
Acts 3:9 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) all (pas) the (ho) people (laos) saw (eiden) him (auton) walking around (peripatounta), and (kai) praising (ainounta) the (ton) God (theon).
Acts 3:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they were experientially knowing (epeginōskon) him (auton), that (hoti) he (autos) was (ēn) the one (ho) causing himself to sit down (kathēmenos) over (epi) the (tē) Beautiful (hōraia) gate (pulē) of the (tou) sacred place (hierou), to (pros) [receive, v5, RE] the (tēn) act of mercy (eleēmosunēn).
And (kai) they were filled (eplēsthēsan) of awe (thambous) and (kai) ecstasy (ekstasēos) over (epi) the (tō) [walkers and the ankles of him, v7, RE] having walked together with4819 (sumbebēkoti) him (autō).
Acts 3:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of him (autou) powerfully holding (kratountos) the (ton) Peter (Petron) and (kai) the (ton) John (Iōannēn), all (pas) the (ho) people (laos) ran together (sunedramen) to (pros) them (autous) upon (epi) the (tē) porch (stoa), the one (tē) being called aloud (kaloumenē) "of Solomon" (Solomōntos), awed-out1569 (ekthamboi)!
Acts 3:12 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Peter (Petros) having seen (idōn) [the people running to them, v11, RE], he caused himself to make [a] decision (apekrinato) to (pros) the (ton) people (laon), “Males (andres), Israelites (Israēlitai), why (ti) are you amazed (thaumazete) over (epi) this (toutō), or (ē) why (ti) are you gazing at (atenizete) us (hēmin), as (hōs) [if, AE] [it, AE] [was] our own (idia) inherent power (dunamei) or (ē) piety (eusebeia) having made (pepoiēkosin) the (tou) [walkers and ankles, v7, RE] of him (auton) to walk around (peripatein)?
Acts 3:13 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) God (theos) of Abraham (Abraam), and (kai) the (ho) God (theos) of Isaac (Isaak), and (kai) the (ho) God (theos) of Jacob (Iakōb), the (ho) God (theos) of the (tōn) fathers (paterōn) of us (hēmōn), he glorified (edoxasen) the (ton) child (paida) of him (autou), Jesus (Iēsoun), whom (hon), truly (men), you (humeis) passed aside (paredōkate), and (kai) [whom, RE] you caused yourselves to deny (ērnēsasthe) down (kata) [in the, AE] face (prosōpon) of Pilate (Pilatou), he having determined (krinantos) of that (ekeinou) [child, RE] to send [him, AE] away (apoluein)!
Acts 3:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (e) you (humeis) caused yourselves to deny (ērnēsasthe) the (ton) holy (hagion) and (kai) righteous (dikaion) [child, v13, RE], and (kai) you requested (ētēsasthe) [a] murderer (phonea) of [a] male (andra) to be graciously given (charisthēnai) to you (humin)!
Acts 3:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) you killed (apekteinate) the (ton) beginner (archēgon) of the (tēs) life (zōēs), whom (hon) the (ho) God (theos) awoke (ēgeiren) out (ek) of dead ones (nekrōn), of which we (hēmeis) are (esmen) witnesses (martures)!
Acts 3:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) over (epi) the (tē) belief (pistei) of the (tou) name (onomatos) of him (autou), this one (touton) whom (hon) you observe (theōreite) and (kai) have seen (oidate), the (to) name (onoma) of him (autou) made [this one, RE] solid (estereōsen)!
And (kai) the (hē) belief (pistis), the (hē) [belief, RE] through (di’) [the sake, AE] him (autou), gave (edōken) to him (autō) this (tautēn), the (tēn) allotted wholeness (holoklērian), opposite from (apenanti) all (pantōn) of you (humōn)!
Acts 3:17 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) now (nun), brothers (adelphoi), I have seen (oida) that (hoti) you habitually practice (epraxate) down according to (kata) ignorance (agnoian), as (hōsper) the (hoi) chief ones758 (archontes) of you (humōn) also (kai)!
(Apostle Peter accused the Judean people, and their religious leaders, chief ones, of habitually practicing ignorance of their religion instead of practicing God’s Word, truth. Isn’t that the same problem “Christian leadership” has today, massive ignorance of the knowledge of God’s Word about the Evangelism of Jesus Christ, which was replaced in the 4th century with the invention of the Evangelism of the Triune Godhead?)
Acts 3:18 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) things which (ha) the (ho) God (theos) reported down before (prokatēngeilen) through (dia) [the] mouth (stomatos) of all (pantōn) the (tōn) prophets (prophētōn), for the (ton) Christ (Christon) of him (autou) to suffer (pathein), [the God, RE] fulfilled (eplērōsen) thusly (houtōs).
Acts 3:19 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), repent (metanoēsate) and (kai) turn (epistrepsate) into (eis) the (to) [God, v18, RE] <to have> the (tas) sins (hamartias) of you (humōn) oiled out1813 (exaleiphthēnai), so that (hopos) perhaps (an) times (kairoi) of breath (anapsuxeōs) may come (elthosin) from (apo) the (tou) face (prosōpou) of the (tou) Lord (kuriou);
(For the God oiling-out the handwriting of the dogmas against us, and our tears, see Acts 3:19; Col. 2:14; Rev. 7:17, 21:4)
Acts 3:20 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) [the God, v18, RE] may send (aposteilē) the one (ton) having caused himself to be hand-chosen before (prokecheirismenon) for you (humin), Christ (Christon) Jesus (Iēsoun);
(For an outline of Jesus Christ’s accomplishments
in his earthly agency/ministry to his heavenly Father, see the note under Mat.
Acts 3:21 (LIT/UBS4) of whom (hon), truly (men), it is required (dei) of heaven (ouranon) to cause itself to receive (dexasthai) [Christ Jesus, v20, RE] until (achri) chronologies (chronōn) of standing down (apokatastaseōs) of all things (pantōn), of which (hōn) the (ho) God (theos) spoke (elelēsen) through (dia) [the] mouth (stomatos) of the (tōn) holy ones (hagiōn), from (ap’) [the] age (aiōnos) [of the] prophets (prophētōn) of him (autou)!
Acts 3:22 (LIT/UBS4) Truly (men) Moses (Mōusēs) enunciated (eipen) that (hoti), “[The] Lord (kurios, YHWH), the (ho) God (theos, elōhîm), shall stand up (anastēsei) [a] prophet (prophētēn) for you (humin) out (ek) of the (tōn) brothers (adelphōn) of you (humōn), as (hōs) me (eme).
Cause yourselves to hear (akousesthe) all things (panta) of him (autou), down according to (kata) perhaps (an) as many things as (hosa) he may speak (lalēsē) to (pros) you (humas).
Acts 3:23 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) it shall cause itself to be (estai):
Every (pasa) soul (psuchē) out (ek) of the (tou) people (laou), if perhaps (ean) whoever (hētis), may not hear (mē akousē) the (tou) prophet (prophētou), that one (ekeinou) shall be totally ruined (exolethreuthēsetai)!”
(Do you know of any these Christians:
- ones who apparently have not received distributions of energizings (1 Cor. 12:6);
- ones not conquering over the devil and demon spirit oppression (Rom. 8:37);
- ones not being led triumphantly in Christ (2 Cor. 2:14);
- ones not manifesting the fragrance of the knowledge of God’s Word (2 Cor. 2:14);
- ones who’s Christ in them is disabled, who are not inherently powered (2 Cor. 13:3-5);
- ones in which God’s son has not yet been revealed in them (Gal. 1:16);
- ones who indicate that there is no work of God’s inherent power working in them (Eph. 1:19-20);
- ones who haven’t yet come into the oneness of the belief (Eph. 4:13);
- ones who haven’t yet taken up the panoply of the God (Eph. 6:13);
- ones who can’t yet spiritually stand (Eph. 6:14);
- ones who haven’t prepared their “feet” with the Evangelism of Peace (Eph. 6:15);
- ones not inherently powered to quench the missiles of the evil one (Eph. 6:16),
- ones not having the knife of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17);
- ones not causing themselves to be well-thankful to God in Spirit (tongues) (Eph. 6:18);
- ones not desiring to be energized by God (Phil. 2:13);
- ones not spiritually strong enough to do anything (Phil. 4:13);
- ones who can’t indicate that they have Christ in them (Col. 1:27);
- ones who can’t teach others the wisdom of God (Col. 1:28);
- ones who are not being energized in God’s inherent power (Col. 1:29);
- ones who do not have God’s Word energizing within them (1 Thes. 2:13);
- ones who haven’t yet received God’s gracious gift, but are yet spiritually cowardly (2 Tim. 1:6-7);
- ones who’s spirit in them isn’t greater than the spirit of the antichrist (1 John 4:4);
- ones not having been generated out of God (1 John 5:4);
- ones not conquering the cosmos (1 John 5:4);
- ones not believing that Jesus Christ is the firstborn son of God (1 John 5:5);
- ones who’s lives and families are being totally ruined (Acts 3:23)!?)
(See Deut. 18:15-19 also.)
Acts 3:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) all (pantes) the (hoi) prophets (prophētai) also (kai), from (apo) Samuel (Samouēl) and (kai) the (tōn) next [prophets, RE] on down (kathexēs), as many as (hosoi) spoke (elalēsan), they reported down (katēngeilan) also (kai) of the (tas) days (hēmeras) of this (tautas).
Acts 3:25 (LIT/UBS4) You (humeis) are (este) the (hoi) sons (huioi) of the (tōn) prophets (prophētōn), and (kai) of the (tēs) covenant (diathēkēs) which (hēs) the (ho) God (theos) caused himself to put through (dietheto) for (pros) the (tous) fathers (pateras) of you (humōn), saying (legōn) to (pros) Abraham (Abraam), “And (kai) in (en) the (tō) seed/sperm (spermati) of you (sou) all (pasai) the (hai) paternities (patriai) of the (tēs) land (gēs) shall be caused to be in [a] eulogy (eneulogēthēsontai)!”
(See Gen. 12:1-3; Gal. 3:8; Acts 3:25)
Acts 3:26 (LIT/UBS4) [The covenant, v25, RE] [is] first (prōton) to you (humin), the (ho) God (theos) having stood up (anastēsas) the (ton) child (paida) of him (autou).
He sent (apesteilen) him (auton) eulogizing (eulogounta) to you (humas), in (en) the (tō) [eulogizing, RE] to turn away (apostrephein), each one (hekaston), from (apo) the (tōn) evils (ponēriōn) of you (humōn)!"