Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 14


Update:  2024.02.26


Luke 14:1 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) it caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) in (en) the (tō) [time, AE] of him (auton) to come (elthein) into (eis) [a] house (oikon) of [a] certain one (tinos) of the (tōn) chief ones (archontōn) of the (tōn) Pharisees (Pharisaiōn), to eat (phagein) bread (arton) [in, RE] [a] sabbath day (sabbatō).


And (kai) they (autoi) were being (ēsan) ones causing themselves to watch (paratēroumenoi) him (auton).


Luke 14:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou), there was being (ēn) some (tis) mortal (anthrōpos), one drinking bitter water5203 (hudrōpikos), in front (emprosthen) of him (autou)!


Luke 14:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to (pros) the (tous) lawyers (nomikous) and (kai) Pharisees (Pharisaious), saying (legōn), “Is it being outside1832 (exestin) [of the law, AE] [in, AE] the (tō) sabbath day (sabbatō) to give therapy (therapeusai) or (ē) absolutely not (ou) [to give therapy, RE]!?"


Luke 14:4 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) [lawyers and Pharisees, v2, RE] refrained (hēsuchasan).


And (kai) having caused himself to take hold upon (epilabomenos) [the] [mortal, v2, RE], he caused himself to heal (iasato) him (auton), and (kai) he sent [him, RE] away (apelusen).


Luke 14:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to (pros) them (autous), “Which one (tinos) of you (humōn) in (en) [a] day (hēmera) of the (tou) sabbath (sabbatou), [if, AE] [a] son (huios), or (ē) [a] bovine (bous), shall cause itself to fall (peseitai) into (eis) [a] pit (phrear), shall you absolutely  not (ouk) straightaway (eutheōs) draw it up (anaspasei auton)!?”


Luke 14:6 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they were absolutely not strong enough (ischusan) to make [a] decision against (antapokrithēnai) [the Jesus, v3, RE] to (pros) these things (tauta)!


Luke 14:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he was saying (elegen) [a] parable (parabolēn) to (pros) the ones (tous) having been called aloud (keklēmenous), lingering over (epechōn) how (pōs) they were causing themselves to call out (exelegonto) for the (tas) first recliners (prōtoklisias), he saying (legōn) to (pros) them (autous),


Luke 14:8 (LIT/UBS4) “Perhaps when (hotan) you may be called aloud (klēthēs) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of someone (tinos) into (eis) marriage preparations (gamous), do not be reclined (mē kataklithēs) into (eis) the (tēn) first recliner4411 (prōtoklisian);


whether or not in time (mēpote) [a] [more, AE] honorable one (entimoteros) of you (sou) may be (ē) one having been called aloud (keklēmenos) under (hup’) [authority, AE] of him (autou)!


Luke 14:9 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the one (ho) having come (elthōn), he having called aloud (kalesas) you (se) and (kai) him (auton), he shall state (erei) to you (soi), ‘Give (dos) place (topon to this one (toutō),’ and (kai) then (tote) you shall cause yourself to start (arxē) to be held down (katechein) with (meta) shame (aischunēs) of the (ton) last (eschaton) place (topon).


Luke 14:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when perhaps (hotan) you may be called aloud (klēthēs), you having been caused to go (poreutheis), fall up377 (anapese) into (eis) the (ton) last (eschaton) place (topon);


in order that (hina) when perhaps (hotan) the one (ho) having called you aloud (keklēkōs se) may come (elthē), he shall state (erei) to you (soi), ‘Friend (phile), step up to (prosanabēthi) [[a] place, RE] above (anōteron)!’


Then (tote) there shall be (estai) glory (doxa) to you (soi) in sight of (enōpion) all (pantōn) of the ones (tōn) causing themselves to lie up together with (sunanakeimenōn) you (soi).’


Luke 14:11 (LIT/UBS4) Because (hoti) every one (pas), the one (ho) setting himself above (hupsōn heauton), he shall be humbled (tapeinōthēsetai), and (kai) the one (ho) humbling (tapeinōn) himself (heauton), he shall be set above (hupsōthēsetai).”


Luke 14:12 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he was speaking (elegen) to the one (tō) also (kai) having called him aloud (keklēkoti auton):


“When perhaps (hotan) you may make (poiēs) [a] breakfast (ariston), or (ē) [a] dinner (deipnon), do not call (mē phōnei) for the (tous) friends (philous) of you (sou), but nor (mēde) for the (tous) brothers (adelphous) of you (sou), but nor (mēde) for the (tous) genera together with (sungeneis) you (sou), but nor (mēde) for wealthy (plousious) neighbors (geitonas), whether or not in time (mēpote) they (autoi) also (kai) may call you aloud opposite (antikalesōsin se) [to them, AE] and (kai) it may cause itself to become (genētai) [a] repayment (antapodoma) to you (soi)!


Luke 14:13 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (all’) when perhaps (hotan) you may make (poiēs) [a] reception (dochēn), call aloud (kalei) poor ones (ptōchous), crippled-up ones (anapeirous), lame ones (chōlous), blind ones (tuphlous),


Luke 14:14 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) you shall cause yourself to be (esē) [a] happier one (makarios) that (hoti) they absolutely do not have (ouk echousin) to repay (antapodounai) you (soi)!


Because (gar) it shall be repaid (antapodothēsetai) to you (soi) in (en) the (tē) standing up (anastasei) of the (tōn) of righteous ones (dikaiōn)!”


(For who was to receive the collections, the gracious abundant sharings, like the collections from the believers in the area of Corinth, see what Christ Jesus and the apostles taught and preached, Mat. 19:20-21, 26:6-13; Mark 10:20-21, 14:3-9; Luke 4:18-19, *14:12-14, 21-22, 18:22, 19:8; John 12:3-8, 13:28-29; Acts 2:44-47; Rom. 15:26; 1 Cor. 13:3, 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:10, 8:9, 9:9; Gal. 2:10. )


Luke 14:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [a] certain one (tis) of the ones (tōn) causing themselves to lie up together with (sunanakeimenōn) [the Jesus, v3, RE] having heard (akousas) these things (tauta), he enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “A happy one (makarios) [is] one who (hostis) shall cause himself to eat (phagetai) bread (arton) in (en) the (tē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou)!”


Luke 14:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v3, RE) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “[A] certain (tis) mortal (anthrōpos) was making (epoiei) [a] great (mega) dinner (deipnon), and (kai) he called aloud (ekalesen) many (pollous).


Luke 14:17 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) at the (tē) hour (hōra) of the (tou) dinner (deipnou) he sent (apesteilen) the (ton) slave (doulon) of him (autou) to enunciate (eipen) to the ones (tois) having been called aloud (keklēmenois), ‘Cause yourselves to come (erchesthe), because (hoti) it is (estin) ready (hetoima) already (ēdē).'


Luke 14:18 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) from (apo) one (mias) they all (pantes) caused themselves to start (ērxanto) to request for themselves to be pardoned (paraiteisthai).


The (ho) first one (prōtos) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), ‘I went to market to buy (ēgorasa) [a] field (agron), and (kai) of [a] necessity (anankēn) having gone out (exelthōn) I have (echō) to see (idein) it (auton).


I inquire (erōtō) of you (se), have (eche) me (me) [as, AE] having requested for myself to be pardoned (parētēmenon).


Luke 14:19 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) one of another kind (heteros) enunciated (eipen), ‘I went to market to buy (ēgorasa) five (pente) pairs (zeugē) of bovines (boōn), and (kai) I cause myself to go (poreuomai) to prove (dokimasai) them (auta).


I inquire (erōtō) of you (se), have (eche) me (me) [as, AE] having requested for myself to be pardoned (parētēmenon).’


Luke 14:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) one of another kind (heteros) enunciated (eipen), ‘I married (egēma) [a] female (gunaika), and (kai) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of this (touto) I can absolutely not inherently power myself (ou dunamai) to come (elthein)!’


Luke 14:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) slave (doulos) having caused himself to become alongside (paragenomenos), he reported (apēngeilen) these things (tauta) to the (tō) lord (kuriō) of him (autou).


Then (tote) the (ho) house master (oikodespotēs) having been angered (orgistheis), he enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) slave (doulō) of him (autou), ‘Go out (exelthe) quickly (tacheōs) into (eis) the (tas) wide places (plateias) and (kai) lanes (rhumas) of the (tēs) city (poleōs) and (kai) bring in (eisagage) here (hōde) the (tous) poor ones (ptōchous), and (kai) crippled-up ones (anapeirous), and (kai) blind ones (tuphlous), and (kai) lame ones (chōlous).’


Luke 14:22 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) slave (doulos) enunciated (eipen), ‘Lord (kurie), what (ho) you arranged (epetaxas) has come to pass (gegonen), and (kai) yet (eti) there is (estin) [a] place (topos)!’


(For who was to receive the collections, the gracious abundant sharings, like the collections from the believers in the area of Corinth, see what Christ Jesus and the apostles taught and preached, Mat. 19:20-21, 26:6-13; Mark 10:20-21, 14:3-9; Luke 4:18-19, *14:12-14, 21-22, 18:22, 19:8; John 12:3-8, 13:28-29; Acts 2:44-47; Rom. 15:26; 1 Cor. 13:3, 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:10, 8:9, 9:9; Gal. 2:10. )


Luke 14:23 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) lord (kurios) enunciated (eipen) to (pros) the (ton) slave (doulon), ‘Go out (exelthe) into (eis) the (tas) ways (hodous) and (kai) fences (phragmous), and (kai) constrain (anankason) [them, AE] to enter in (eiselthein), in order that (hina) the (ho) house (oikos) of me (mou) may be loaded (gemisthē).


Luke 14:24 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) I say (legō) to you (humin), that (hoti) absolutely not one (oudeis) of the (tōn) males (andrōn) of those (ekeinōn), of the (tōn) [males, RE] having been called aloud (keklēmenōn), shall cause himself to taste (geusetai) of the (tou) dinner (deipnou) of me (mou)!’


(Those men which were called aloud to the dinner of the Lord were the sons of Israel, according to the flesh-based paternity of Abraham (1 Cor. 10:18-21), but not according to the spirit-based paternity of God, which spirit-based paternity are all those who believe the evangelism of Christ Jesus and become his one body, the ekklesia, the household of the God, which is the new Israel (Rom. 9:6-8). These are those who follow Abraham’s example of belief. This is how all Israel (spirit-based Israel) shall be saved (Rom. 11:26), but yet those ones who were called aloud (flesh-based Israel) shall absolutely not taste of the Lord’s supper. Jesus reminded the sons of Israel according to the flesh, that they refuse to hear the Word of his heavenly Father (John 5:37-38), the God, as was prophesied (1 Cor. 14:21).   


Luke 14:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) many (polloi) crowds (ochloi) were causing themselves to go together with (suneporeuonto) him (autō)


And (kai) he having been turned (strapheis), he enunciated (eipen) to (pros) them (autous),


Luke 14:26 (LIT/UBS4) “If (ei) anyone (tis) causes himself to come (erchetai) to (pros) me (me) and (kai) absolutely does not (ou) despise (misei) the (ton) father (patera) of himself (heautou), and (kai) the (ten) mother (mētera), and (kai) the (ten) female (gunaika), and (kai) the (ta) ones born (tekna), and (kai) the (tous) brothers (adelphous), and (kai) the (tas) sisters (adelphas), and (te) yet still (eti) the (tēn) soul (psuchen) of himself (heauton) also (kai), he can absolutely not inherently power himself (ou dunatai) to be (einai) [a] disciple (mathētēs) of me (mou)!


Luke 14:27 (LIT/UBS4) Anyone who (hostis) absolutely does not carry (ou bastazei) the (ton) stake (stauron) of him (autou) and (kai) cause himself to come (erchetai) behind (opisō) me (mou), he can absolutely not inherently power himself (ou dunatai) to be (einai) [a] disciple (mathētēs) of me (mou)!


Luke 14:28 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) who (tis) out (ex) of you (humōn), desiring (thelōn) to build [a] domed-roof house3618 (oikodomēsai) tower (purgon), having sat down (kathisas) absolutely does not (ouchi) first (prōton) count in pebbles (psēphizei) the (tēn) cost (dapanēn), [to see, AE] if (ei) he has (echei) [enough, AE] from this time (apartismon) into (eis) [completing it, AE];


Luke 14:29 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) at no time (mēpote), having placed (thentos) [the] foundation (themelion) of him (autou) and (kai) not (mē) being strong enough (ischuontos) to complete it out (ektelesai), all (pantes) the ones (hoi) observing (theōrountes) may cause themselves to start (arxōntai) to put him into [a] child’s role (empaizein autō),


Luke 14:30 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legontes) that (hoti), ‘This one (houtos), the (ho) mortal (anthrōpos), caused himself to start (ērxato) to build [a] domed-roof house3618 (oikodomein), and (kai) he was absolutely not strong enough (ouk ischusen) to complete it out (ektelesai)!?’


Luke 14:31 (LIT/UBS4) Or (ē) what (tis) king (basileus) causing himself to go (poreuomenos) to another (heterō) king (basilei) to throw together (sumbalein) into (eis) [a] war (polemon), having sat down (kathisas), shall he absolutely not cause himself to plan (ouchi bouleusetai) first (prōton) if (ei) he is (estin) inherently powered (dunatos), in (en) ten (deka) thousands (chiliasin), to meet (hupantēsai) the (tō) [king, RE] being caused to come (erchomenō) upon (ep’) him (auton) with (meta) twenty (eikosi) thousands (chiliadōn)!?


Luke 14:32 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) not (mē), even (ge) of him (autou) yet (eti) being (ontos) distant (porrō), he having sent (aposteilas) [a] senior representative (presbeian), he inquires (erōta) of the (ta) [king, v31, RE] toward (pros) peace (eirēnēn)!


Luke 14:33 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), thusly (houtōs) everyone (pas) out (ex) of you (humōn) who (hos) absolutely does not cause himself to say farewell away from (ouk apotassetai) all (pasin) things being under control (huparchousin) of himself (heautou), he can absolutely not inherently power himself (ou dunatai) to be (einai) [a] disciple (mathētēs) of me (mou)!


Luke 14:34 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), the (to) salt (halas) [is] beautiful (kalon). 


But (de) if perhaps (ean) the (to) salt (halas) may be made moronic (mōranthē) also (kai), in (en) to what (tini) shall it be prepared (artuthēsetai)?


Luke 14:35 (LIT/UBS4) And absolutely neither (oute) is it (estin) well placed (eutheton)into (eis) soil (gēn) and absolutely nor (oute) into (eis) mulch (koprian)!


They throw (ballousin) it (auto) outside (exō)!


The one (ho) having (echōn) ears (ōta) to hear (akouein), hear (akouetō)!”