Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 4


Update:  2024.07.18


Mark 4:1 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he caused himself to start (ērxato) to teach (didaskein) again (palin) alongside (para) the (tēn) sea (thalassan).


And (kai) [a] major (pleistos) crowd (ochlos) was brought together (sunagetai) to (pros) him (auton), so that (hōste) he was embarking (embanta) into (eis) [a] ship (ploion) of him (auton) to cause himself to sit down (kathēsthai) in (en) the (tē) sea (thalassē).


And (kai) all (pas) the (ho) crowd (ochlos) was being (ēsan) toward (pros) the (tēn) sea (thalassan) upon (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs).


Mark 4:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was teaching (edidasken) them (autous) in (en) many (polla) parables (parabolais).


And (kai) he was saying (elegen) to them (autois) in (en) the (tē) orthodoxy (didachē) of him (autou):


Mark 4:3 (LIT/UBS4) “You hear (akouete)!


Behold (idou), the one (ho) sowing (speirō) went out (exēlthen) to sow (speirai)!


Mark 4:4 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) it caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) in (en) the (tō) [time, AE] to sow (speirein), truly (men) [there was, AE] one [sowing, v3, RE] which (ho) fell (epesen) alongside (para) the (tēn) way (hodon)!


And (kai) the (ta) fowls (peteina) came (ēlthen) and (kai) they devoured (katephagen) it (auto).


Mark 4:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) another (allo) [sowing, v3, RE] fell (epesen) upon (epi) the (to) stony place (petrōdes), where (hopou) it was absolutely not having (ouk eichen) much (pollēn) soil (gēn)!


And (kai) straightaway (euthus) it rose up out (exaneteilen), through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (to) soil (gēs) not (mē) to have (echein) depth (bathos).


Mark 4:6 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) when (hote) the (ho) sun (hēlios) rose up (aneteilen) it was burned (ekaumatisthē).


And (kai) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (to) [sowing, v3, RE] not (mē) to have (echein) [a] root (rhizan), it was dried out (exēranthē).


Mark 4:7 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) another (allo) [sowing, v3, ER] fell (epesen) into (eis) the (tas) thorns (akanthas).


And (kai) the (hai) thorns (akanthai) came up (anebēsan) and (kai) together choked it in (sunepnixan auto), and (kai) it absolutely did not give (ouk edōken) fruit (karpon)!


Mark 4:8 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) other (alla) [sowings, v3, ER] fell (epesen) into (eis) the (tēn) soil (gēn), the (tēn) beautiful (kalēn) [soil, RE], and (kai) [the soil, RE] was giving (edidou) produce (karpon), [sowings, v3, ER] coming up (anabainonta) and (kai) being caused to grow (auxanomena). 


And (kai) one (hen) [sowing, v3, ER] was bearing (epheren) thirty (triakonta), and (kai) one (hen) sixty (hexēkonta), and (kai) one (hen) [a] hundred (hekaton)!”


Mark 4:9 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen), “One who (hos) has (echei) ears (ōta) to hear (akouein), hear (akouetō)!”


Mark 4:10 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) when (hote) he caused himself to become (egeneto) down (kata) alone (monas) [from the ship, v1, RE], the (hoi) [followers, AE] around (peri) him (auton), together with (sun) the (tois) twelve (dōdeka), were inquiring (ērōtōn) of him (auton) of the (tas) parables (parabolas).


Mark 4:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen) to them (autois), “To you (humin) the (to) Mystery (mustērion) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias) of the (tou) God (theou) has been given (dedotai)


But (de) to those (ekeinois), to the (tois) outsiders (exō), everything (panta) of the (ta) [Mystery of the Kingdom of the God, RE] is caused to become (ginetai) in (en) to parables (parabolais);


Mark 4:12 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) they being ones seeing (blepontes), they may look at (blepōsin) [[the] parables, v11, ER] and (kai) they may not see (mē idōsin) [[the] parables, v11, ER];


and (kai) they being ones hearing (akouontes), they may hear (akouōsin) [[the] parables, v11, ER] and (kai) they may not put together (mē suniōsin) [[the] parables, v11, ER];


Whether or not in time (mēpote) they may turn back (epistrepsōsin), and (kai) [their sin, AE] may be let go (aphethē) to them (autois), ...?”


(In Luke 17:20-21, of Jesus responding to an inquiry from the Pharisees about when the Kingdom of the God causes itself to come, he plainly states that it comes “within you!”  Throughout the remainder of this chapter, Jesus Christ thoroughly explains to his disciples about what is the Kingdom of the God, and when, and where, and how does the Kingdom of the God come into a believer.)


Mark 4:13 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he says (legei) to them (autois), “Have you absolutely not seen (ouk oidate) the (tēn) parable (parabolēn) of this (tautēn)!?  


And (kai) how (pōs) shall you cause yourselves to know (gnōsesthe) all (pasas) of the (tas) parables (parabolas)?


Mark 4:14 (LIT/UBS4) The one (ho) sowing (speirōn) sows (speirei) the (ton) Word (logon)!


Mark 4:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) these (houtoi) [of the major crowd, v1, RE] are (eisin) the (hoi) [followers, AE] alongside (para) the (tēn) way (hodon) where (hopou) the (ho) Word (logos) is sown (speiretai).


And (kai) when perhaps (hotan) they may hear (akousōsin) straightaway (euthus) the (ho) Satan (Satanas) causes himself to come (erchetai) and (kai) he steals (airei) the (ton) Word (logon), the one (ton) having been sown (esparmenon) into (eis) them (autous).


(Luke’s version, Luke 8:12, adds, in order that2443 (hina) ones not having believed (mē pisteusantes) may [not, RE] be made whole (sōthōsin)!)


(See Rom. 10 for apostle Paul’s teaching about how being made whole comes through belief in God’s Word about Christ Jesus, and about how belief comes into a person’s heart through hearing God’s Word (Rom. 10, 17).


(For those who are alongside the way see v4)


(For the devil, the *god of this cosmos, coming to steal, kill, and destroy the assembly (ekklēsia), the one body of Christ, and all mortalkind, to cause them to wander away from the one true God and his Word, see Mat. 6:13, 13:19; Mark 1:13a, 4:15, 13:5-6; Luke 13:16, 21:8, 22:3, 31; John 8:44, 10:10a, 13:27; Acts 5:3; 1 Cor. 7:5, 31b; 2 Cor. 2:11, *4:4, 11:13-15; Gal. 1:4; Eph. 4:11-14, 6:11-16; 1 Thes. 2:17-18; 2 Thes. 2:7-12; 1 Tim. 4:1-2, 5:13-15; 2 Tim. 3:13; 1 John 3:11-13, 4:1-6, 5:19; 2 John 1:7; Rev. 2:9, 12-15, 20, 12:7-17; 13:14, 18:21-23, 19:20, 20:3-10)


Mark 4:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) these (houtoi) [followers, AE] are (eisin) the (hoi) [followers, AE] upon (epi) the (ta) stony places (petrōdē) [where the Word, v15, RE] is being sown (speiromenoi);


[followers, AE] who (hoi), when perhaps (hotan) they may hear (akousōsin) the (ton) Word (logon), straightaway (euthus) receive (lambanousin) it (auton) with (meta) joy (charas).


Mark 4:17 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they absolutely do not have (ouk echousin) [a] root (rhizan) in (en) themselves (heautois), BUT (alla), they are (eisin) [receiving the Word, v16, RE] for [a] time (proskairoi)!


Thereafter (eita), something of mental pressure having caused itself to come (genomenēs thlipseōs), or (ē) [a] pursuit (diōgmou) [of these ones, v16, RE] through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (ton) Word (logon), straightaway (euthus) they are scandalized (skandalizontai)!


(For those who are upon the stony places see v5-6)


Mark 4:18 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) others (alloi) are (eisin) the (hoi) [followers, AE] in (eis) the (tas) thorns (akanthas) [where the Word, v15, RE] is being sown (speiromenoi).


These (houtoi) are (eisin) the (hoi) [followers, AE] having heard (akousantes) the (ton) Word (logon),


Mark 4:19 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) the (hai) worries (merimnai) of the (tou) age (aiōnos), and (kai) the (hē) deception (apatē) of wealth (ploutou), and (kai) the (hai) lusts (epithumiai) about (peri) the (ta) remaining things (loipa) being caused to come in (eisporeuomenai), they together choke (sumpnigousin) the (ton) Word (logon), and (kai) it is caused to become (ginetai) unproductive (akarpos).


(For those who are in the thorns see v7)


(In Luke’s record of this verse, Luke 8:14, he adds, and (kai) they absolutely do not bring [their belief and wholeness, v12, RE] to completion (ou telesphorousin)!


(For the gracious things of God which are given to us through our belief having been made complete, see Luke 1:45; John 17:23; Rom. 6:16-23; Heb. 10:14, 11:1-12:2; 1 John 2:5, 4:12; 1 Pet. 1:3-11.)


Mark 4:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) those (ekeinoi) [followers, AE] are (eisin) the (hoi) [followers, AE] of the (tēn) [sowing, v14, RE] having been sown (sparentes) over (epi) the (tēn) beautiful (kalēn) soil (gēn), [followers, AE] who (hoitines) hear (akouousin) the (ton) Word (logon), and (kai) they receive [the Word, RE] alongside (paradechontai) and (kai) bring forth produce (karpophorousin);


one (hen) thirty (triakonta), and (kai) one (hen) sixty (hexēkonta), and (kai) one (hen) [a] hundred (hekaton).”


Mark 4:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen) to them (autois), “What (ti), is not (mē) the (ho) lamp (luchnos) caused to come (erchetai) in order that (hina) it may be placed (tethē) under (hupo) the (ton) dry-measure basket (modion), or (ē) under (hupo) the (tēn) recliner (klinēn)?


[Is the lamp caused to come, RE] absolutely not (ouch) in order that (hina) it may be placed (tethē) upon (epi) [a] lamp stand (luchnian)!?


Mark 4:22 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) there is absolutely not (ou estin) [a] hidden (krupton) [mystery, v11, RE] if perhaps (ean) not (mē) in order that (hina) it may be [a] manifested (phanerōthē) [mystery, v11, RE]!


But absolutely nothing (oude) caused itself to become (egeneto) hidden away (apokruphon), BUT (all’), in order that (hina) it may come (elthē) into (eis) something manifested (phaneron)!


Mark 4:23 (LIT/UBS4) If (ei) anyone (tis) has (echei) ears (ōta) to hear (akouein), hear (akouetō)!”


(For Jesus Christ being prophesied as a great light coming, the one who would shed light on the knowledge of God’s Word for a people being caused to sit down in darkness, see Isa. 9:1-2, 49:1-6; Mat. 4:12-16, 10:26-27; *Mark 4:21-23; Luke 1:76-79, 2:25-32, 8:16-17, 11:33, 12:1-3; John 1:1-14, 3:1-21, 8:12, 9:5, 11:9-10, 12:34-36, 41-46; Acts 13:46-47, 26:22-23; 2 Cor. 4:1-6; Eph. 5:8, 13, 14; Col. 1:12; 1 Thes. 5:5; 1 Pet. 2:9; 2 Pet. 1:19; 1 John 2:8-10.)


Mark 4:24 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen) to them (autois), “Look at (blepete) what (ti) you hear (akouete):


In (en) to whatever (hō) measurement (metrō) you measure (metreite), [the Word, v20, RE] shall be measured (metrēthēsetai) to you (humin), and (kai) [the Mystery of the Kingdom of the God, v11, RE] shall be added (prostethēsetai) to you (humin).


Mark 4:25 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) [to [a] follower, AE] who (hos) has (echei) [beautiful soil, v20, RE], [the Mystery of the Kingdom of the God, v11, RE] shall be given (dothēsetai) to him (autō).


And (kai) [to [a] follower, AE] who (hos) absolutely does not have (ouk echei) [beautiful soil, v20, RE], whatever (ho) he has (echei) also (kai) shall be removed (arthēsetai) from (ap’) him (autou)!”


(See Eph. 4:7-8)


Mark 4:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen), “Thusly (houtōs) is (estin) the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou):


[It is, AE] like (hōs) [a] mortal (anthrōpos) [who, AE] may throw (balē) the (ton) seed (sporon) over (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs).


Mark 4:27 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he may be down asleep (katheudē) and (kai) he may be awakened (egeirētai), night (nukta) and (kai) day (hēmeran), and (kai) the (ho) seed (sporos) may sprout (blasta) and (kai) may cause itself to become tall (mēkunētai), as (hōs) he absolutely has not seen (ouk oiden) it (autos)!


Mark 4:28 (LIT/UBS4) Automatically (automatē) the (hē) land (gē) brings forth produce (karpophorei):


first (prōton) fodder (chorton);


thereafter (eita) [a] stalk (stachun);


thereafter (eita) grain (siton) full (plērē) in (en) the (tō) stalk (stachui).


Mark 4:29 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when perhaps (hotan) the (ho) produce (karpos) may pass along (paradoi) [grain, v28, RE], straightaway (euthus) he sends (apostellei) the (to) plucking knife (drepanon), because (hoti) the (ho) harvest (therismos) has stood alongside (parestēken).


Mark 4:30 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was saying (elegen), “How (pōs) may we make [a] likeness (homoiōsōmen) of the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basileian) of the (tou) God (theou)?


Or (ē) in (en) what (tini) parable (parabolē) of her (autēn) may we place (thōmen) [her, RE]?


Mark 4:31 (LIT/UBS4) [the Kingdom of the God, v30, RE] [is] as (hōs) [a] kernal (kokkō) of [a] mustard tree (sinapeōs);


[[a] kernal, RE] which (hos) when perhaps (hotan) it may be sown (sparē) upon (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs) it is being (on) [a] small one (mikroteron) of all (pantōn) of the (tōn) seeds (spermatōn), of the (tōn) [seeds, RE] upon (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs).


Mark 4:32 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) when perhaps (hotan) it may be sown (sparē) it grows up (anabainei), and (kai) it is caused to become (ginetai) [a] greater (meizon) [cultivated plant, RE] of all (pantōn) of the (tōn) cultivated plants (lachanōn).


And (kai) it makes (poiei) great (megalous) branches (kladous), and so (hōste) to be inherently powered (dunasthai) for the (ta) flying animals (peteina) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou) to tent down (kataskēnoun) under (hupo) the (tēn) shadow (skian) of it (autou).”


Mark 4:33 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [in, AE] many (pollais) parables (parabolais) similar to these (toiautais) he was speaking (elalei) to them (autois) the (ton) Word (logon), down according to as (kathōs) they were inherently powered (edunanto) to hear (akouein).


Mark 4:34 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) apart from (chōris) [a] parable (parabolē), he was absolutely not speaking (ouk elalei) to them (autois)! 


But (de) down on (kat') his own (idian), he was letting loose (epeluen) all things (panta) to the (tois) disciples (mathētais) of him (autou)!


Mark 4:35 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he says (legei) to them (autois) in (en) the (tē) day (hēmera) of that (ekeinē), evening (opsias) having caused itself to come (genomenēs), “May we go through (dielthōmen) into (eis) the (to) other side (peran)?”


Mark 4:36 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they having let go (aphentes) of the (ton) crowd (ochlon), they take him along (paralambanousin auton), as (hōs) he was being (ēn) in (en) the (tō) ship (ploiō).


And (kai) other (alla) ships (ploia) were being (ēn) with (met’) him (autou).


Mark 4:37 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) there caused itself to become (ginetai) [a] great (megalē) whirlwind (lailaps) of wind (anemou), and (kai) the (ta) waves (kumata) were being thrown over (epeballen) into (eis) the (to) ship (ploion), and so (hōste) the (to) ship (ploion) to be loaded (gemizesthai) already (ēdē).


Mark 4:38 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he (autos) was being (ēn) in (en) the (tē) stern (prumnē), down sleeping (katheudōn) upon (epi) the (to) head-cushion (proskephalaion).


And (kai) they awake (egeirousin) him (auton), and (kai) they say (legousin) to him (autō), “Teacher (didaskale), does it absolutely not matter (ou melei) to you (soi) that (hoti) we cause ourselves to be lost (apollumetha)!?


Mark 4:39 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having been thoroughly awoken (diegertheis), he epitomized (epetimēsen) the (tō) wind (anemō), and (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to the (tē) sea (thalassē), “Be silent (siōpa)! 


Be muzzled (pephimōso)!”


And (kai) the (ho) wind (anemos) was labored out (ekopasen), and (kai) it caused itself to become (egeneto) [a] great (megalē) calm (galēnē).


Mark 4:40 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Why (ti) are you (este) cowardly (deiloi)?


Do you absolutely not yet have (oupō echete) belief (pistin)?”


Mark 4:41 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they were caused to be in fear (ephobēthēsan), [a] great (megan) fear (phobon).


And (kai) they were saying (elegon) to (pros) one another (allēlous), "So then (ara), what one (tis) is (estin) this one (houtos)!?”


And (kai) that (hoti), “The (ho) wind (anemos), and (kai) the (hē) sea (thalassa) also (kai), obeys (hupakouei) him (autō)!”