Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 12


Update:  2024.06.30


Mat. 12:1 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) the (tō) time (kairō) of that (ekeinō) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) was caused to go (eporeuthē) to the (tois) sabbath days (sabbasin) through (dia) the (tōn) seeded places (sporimōn).


But (de) the (hoi) disciples (mathētai) of him (autou) pined (epeinasan).


And (kai) they caused themselves to start (ērxanto) to pluck (tillein) stalks (stachuas), and (kai) to eat (esthiein).


Mat. 12:2 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi) having seen (idontes) [the disciples of him, v1, RE], they enunciated (eipan) to him (autō), “Behold (idou), the (hoi) disciples (mathētai) of you (sou), do they absolutely not do (ouk poiousin) that which (ho) is being outside1832 (exestin) [of the law, AE] in (en) [a] sabbath day (sabbatō)!?”


Mat. 12:3 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v1, RE] enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Have you absolutely not read up (ouk anegnōte) what (ti) David (Dauid) did (epoiēsen) when (hote) he pined (epeinasen), and (kai) the (hoi) [young boys, v1 Sam. 21:4, AE] with (met’) him (autou),


Mat. 12:4 (LIT/UBS4) how (pōs) he entered in (eisēlthen) into (eis) the (ton) house (oikon) of the (autou) God (theou) and (kai) they ate (ephagon) the (tous) loaves of bread (artous) of the (tēs) preparation (protheseōs), of which (ho) was it absolutely not being outside1832 (ouk exon ēn) [of the law, AE] for him (autō) to eat (phagein), but absolutely not (oude) for the (tois) [young boys, v1 Sam. 21:4, AE] with (met’) him (autou), if (ei) not (mē) for the (tois) sacrificial priests (hiereusin) alone (monois)!?


Mat. 12:5 (LIT/UBS4) Or (ē) have you absolutely not read up (ouk anegnōte) in (en) the (tō) law (nomō) that (hoti) for the (tois) sabbath days (sabbasin) the (hoi) sacrificial priests (hiereis) in (en) the (tō) sacred place (hierō) cross the threshold (bebēlousin) of the (to) sabbath day (sabbaton), and (kai) they are (eisin) unquestionable (anaitioi) [sacrificial priests, RE]!?


Mat. 12:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I say (legō) to you (humin), that (hoti) [[a] sacrificial priest, v5, RE] greater than (meizon) [[a] sacrificial priest, v5, RE] of the (tou) sacred place (hierou) is (estin) here (hōde)!


Mat. 12:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) you would have known (egnōkeite) what (ti) is (estin), 'I desire (thelō) mercy (eleos), and (kai) absolutely not (ou) sacrifice (thusian)!', perhaps (an) you absolutely would not condemn (ouk katedikasate) the (tous) unquestionable (anaitious) [sacrificial priests, v5, RE]!


(For God boasting of his mercy see Hos. 6:6; Exod. 15:13, *25:21-22; Psalm 103:11, 17; Mat. 5:7, 9:13, 12:7, 23:23; Luke 1:50-54, 72, 78; Rom. 9:15, 15:9; Eph. 2:4; Tit. 3:5; James 2:13, 3:17; 1 Pet. 1:3)


Mat. 12:8 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (ho) Son (huios) of the (tou) Mortal (anthrōpou) is (estin) [a] lord (kurios) of the (tou) sabbath day (sabbatou)!”


Mat. 12:9 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he having moved (metabas) from there (ekeithen), he came (ēlthen) into (eis) the (tēn) synagogue (sunagōgēn) of them (autōn).


Mat. 12:10 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou), [there was, AE] [a] mortal (anthrōpos) having (echōn) [a] withered (xēran) hand (cheira)!


And (kai) they inquired (epērōtēsan) of him (auton), saying (legontes) if (ei), "Is it being outside1832 (exestin) [of the law, v5, RE] for the (tois) sabbath days (sabbasin) to give therapy (therapeusai)?”, in order that (hina) they may make [a] public accusation (katēgorēsōsin) of him (autou).


Mat. 12:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v1, RE] enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Which (tis) [mortal, RE] out (ex) of you (humōn) shall cause himself to be (estai) [a] mortal (anthrōpos) who (hos), if perhaps (ean) he shall have (hexei) one (hen) sheep (probaton), and (kai) this (touto) [one sheep, RE] may fall in (empesē) into (eis) [a] hole (bothunon), [in, AE] the (tois) sabbath days (sabbasin), shall he absolutely not powerfully take hold (ouchi kratēsei) of it (auto) and (kai) he shall awake (egerei) [it, ER]!?


Mat. 12:12 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), how many times (posō) [more, AE] <can> [a] mortal (anthrōpos) bear through1308 (diapherei ) [in value than, AE] [a] sheep (probatou)?


And so (hōste) is it being outside1832 (exestin) [of the law, v5, RE] to do (poiein) beautifully (kalōs) for the (tois) sabbath days (sabbasin)?”


Mat. 12:13 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) he says (legei) to the (tō) mortal (anthrōpō), “Stretch out (ekteinon) the (tēn) hand (cheira) of you (sou)!” 


And (kai) he stretched out (exeteinen) [the hand, RE].


And (kai) it was restored (apekatestathē), healthy (hugiēs) as (hōs) the (hē) other (allē) [hand, RE].


Mat. 12:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having come out (exelthontes), the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi) took (elabon) council together (sumboulion) down against (kat') him (autou), it so being that (hopōs) they may destroy (apolesōsin) him (auton).


Mat. 12:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having known (gnous) [of the Pharisees' council, v14, RE], he made up room402 (anechōrēsen) from there (ekeithen)


And (kai) many (polloi) crowds (ochloi) followed (ēkolouthēsan) him (autō), and (kai) he gave therapy (etherapeusen) to them (autous) all (pantas).


Mat. 12:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he epitomized (epetimēsen) them (autois), in order that (hina) they may not make (mē poiēsōsin) him (auton) manifested (phaneron);


Mat. 12:17 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) the (to) [prophecy, AE] may be fulfilled (plērōthē) having been stated (rhēthen) through (dia) the (tou) prophet (prophētou) Isaiah (Hsaiou), saying (legontes),


Mat. 12:18 (LIT/UBS4) "Behold (idou) the (ho) child (pais) of me (mou) whom (hon) I chose (hēretisa);


the (ho) beloved (agapētos) [child, RE] of me (mou) into (eis) whom (hon) the (ho) soul (psuchē) of me (mou) did well-approve (eudokēsen)!  


I shall place (thēsō) the (to) Spirit (pneuma) of me (mou) upon (ep’) him (auton), and (kai) he shall report (apangelei) judgment (krisin) to the (tois) ethnic groups (ethnesin).


Mat. 12:19 (LIT/UBS4) He shall absolutely not be eristic (ouk erisei), but absolutely nor (oude) shall he shout (kraugasei), but absolutely nor (oude) shall anyone hear (akousei tis) the (tēn) voice (phōnēn) of him (autou) in (en) the (tais) wide places (plateiais)!


Mat. 12:20 (LIT/UBS4) Having been traumatized with (suntetrimmenon) [a] reed (kalamon), he shall absolutely not break down (ou kateaxei)!


And (kai) being made smoldering (tuphomenon) linen (linon), he shall absolutely not be quenched (ou sbesei), until (heōs) perhaps (an) he may throw out (ekbalē) the (tēn) judgment (krisin) into (eis) conquest (nikos)!


Mat. 12:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) for the (tō) name (onomati) of him (autou) ethnic groups (ethnē) shall hope (elpiousin)."


(See Isa. 42:1-3)


Mat. 12:22 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) there was brought (prosēnechthē) to him (autō) [[a] mortal, v13, RE] being demon-possessed (daimonizomenos), [a] blind (tuphlos) and (kai) deaf (kōphos) [mortal, v13, RE].


And (kai) he gave therapy (etherapeusen) to him (auton), and so (hōste) the (ton) [mortal, v13, RE] made deaf (kōphon) [was] [healed, AE], to speak (lalein) and (kai) to see (blepein).


Mat. 12:23 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) all (pantes) the (hoi) crowds (ochloi) were causing themselves to be ecstatic (existanto)!


And (kai) they were saying (elegon), “What, is not this (mēti houtos estin) [mortal, v13, RE] the (ho) son (huios) of David (Dauid)!?”


Mat. 12:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi) having heard (akousantes), they enunciated (eipon), “This (houtos) [mortal, v13, ER] absolutely does not throw out (ouk ekballei) the (ta) little demons (daimonia) if (ei) not (mē) [being] in (en) the (tō) Beelzeboul (Beelzeboul), chief758 (archonti) [demon spirit, RE] of the (tōn) little demons (daimoniōn)!”


Mat. 12:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [the Jesus, v15, RE] having seen (eidōs) the (tas) inner passions (enthumēseis) of them (autōn), he enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Every (pasa) kingdom (basileia) having been divided (meristheisa) down against (kath') itself (heautēs) is made desolate (erēmoutai).


And (kai) every (pasa) city (polis) or (ē) house (oikia) having been divided (meristheisa) down against (kath') itself (heautēs) shall absolutely not be stood (ou stathēsetai)!


Mat. 12:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) if (ei) the (ho) Satan (Satanas) throws out (ekballei) the (ton) Satan (Satanan), he is divided (emeristhē) over (eph') [the sake, AE] of himself (heauton).


Therefore (oun), how (pōs) <shall> the (hē) kingdom (basileia) of him (autou) be stood (stathēsetai)?


Mat. 12:27 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) if (ei) I (egō), [being] in (en) Beelzeboul (Beelzeboul), throw out (ekballō) the (ta) little demons (daimonia), in (en) whom (tini) <do> the (hoi) sons (huioi) of you (humōn) throw out (ekbalousin) [the little demons, RE]?


Through (dia) this (touto) they (autoi) shall cause themselves to be (esontai) judges (kritai) of you (humōn)!


Mat. 12:28 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) [being] in (en) Spirit (pneumati) of God (theou) I (egō) throw out (ekballō) the (ta) little demons (daimonia), then (ara) the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou) has come sooner (ephthasen), over (eph) [the sake, AE] of you (humas)!


Mat. 12:29 (LIT/UBS4) Or (ē) how (pōs) can anyone inherently power himself (tis dunatai) to enter in (eiselthein) into (eis) the (tēn) house (oikian) of the (tou) strong one (ischurou), and (kai) snatch (harpasai) the (ta) vessels (skeuē) of him (autou), if perhaps (ean) he may not first bind (mē prōton dēsē) the (ton) strong one (ischuron), and (kai) then (tote) he shall snatch through (diarpasei) the (tēn) house (oikian) of him (autou)!?


(IF a believer is a strong one through knowing and believing that God’s gift of holy Spirit in him is stronger than the devil or demon spirits in the world (See Rom. 8:37; 2 Cor. 2:14; Eph. 6:13-18; Phil. 4:13; Col. 1:27; *1 John 4:4, 5:4-5), then that believer knows that demon spirits can’t come into a believer’s “house”, i.e. into a believer’s body and soul (1 Thes. 5:23), and bind the believer and steal (John 10:9) the knowledge, thoughts and beliefs of a believer, i.e. take over and control a believer.  Demon spirits, and Satan himself, are under the feet of, i.e. under the authority of sons of God! (Mat. 10:17-20; Rom. 16:20; Mat. 12:28-29; Luke 9:1))


Mat. 12:30 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) [mortal, v13, ER] not (mē) being (ōn) with (met’) me (emou) is (estin) down against (kat') me (emou).


And (kai) the (ho) [mortal, v13, ER] not (mē) bringing together (sunagōn) [the Kingdom932 of the God, v28, RE] with (met’) me (emou) scatters (skorpizei) [the Kingdom932 of the God, v28, RE].


(For more about how ones become separated from God, paying close attention to associated contexts, see Mat. 3:11-12, 12:30, 13:24-30, 13:37-43, 13:47-51, 22:1-14, 25:24-46; Luke 3:15-17, 11:23, 16:19-31, 22:31-32; John 11:49-52, 15:1-6; Acts 4:13-21; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 2 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 4:18; Rev. 16:12-16.)


Mat. 12:31 (LIT/UBS4) Through (dia) this (touto) I say (legō) to you (humin), every (pasa) sin (hamartia) and (kai) blasphemy (blasphēmia) shall be let go (aphethēsetai) to the (tois) mortals (anthrōpois)


But (de) the (hē) blasphemy (blasphēmia) of the (tou) Spirit (pneumatos) shall absolutely not be let go (ouk aphethēsetai) [to the mortals, RE]!


Mat. 12:32 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) if perhaps (ean) whoever (hos) may enunciate (eipē) [a] word (logon) down against (kata) the (tou) Son (huiou) of the (tou) Mortal (anthrōpou), it shall be let go (aphethēsetai) to him (autō)


But (d’) perhaps (an) whoever (hos) may enunciate (eipē) [[a] word, RE] down against (kata) the (tou) Spirit (pneumatos), the (tou) holy (hagiou) [Spirit, RE], it shall absolutely not be let go (ouk aphethēsetai) to him (autō)!


And absolutely not (oute) in (en) the (tō) age (aiōni) to this (toutō), and absolutely not (oute) in (en) the (tō) [age, RE] being about (mellonti) [to come, AE]!


Mat. 12:33 (LIT/UBS4) Either (ē) the (to) tree (dendron) did (poiēsate) beautiful (kalon) and (kai) the (ton) produce (karpon) of it (autou) [was] beautiful (kalon), or (ē) the (to) tree (dendron) did (poiēsate) rotten (sapron) and (kai) the (ton) produce (karpon) of it (autou) [was] rotten (sapron).


Because (gar) out (ek) of the (tou) produce (karpou) the (to) tree (dendron) is known (ginōsketai)!


Mat. 12:34 (LIT/UBS4) [Trees, v33, RE] gendered (gennēmata) of vipers (echidnōn), how (pōs) can you inherently power yourselves (dunasthe) to speak (lalein) good things (agatha), you being (ontes) evil (ponēroi) [trees, v33, RE]?  


Because (gar) out (ek) of the (tou) surplus (perisseumatos) of the (tēs) heart (kardias) the (to) mouth (stoma) speaks (lalei).


Mat. 12:35 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) good (agathos) mortal (anthrōpos), out (ek) of the (tou) good (agathou) treasure (thēsaurou) [of the heart, v34, RE], throws out (ekballei) good things (agatha).


And (kai) the (ho) evil (ponēros) mortal (anthrōpos), out (ek) of the (tou) evil (ponērou) treasure (thēsaurou) [of the heart, v34, RE], throws out (ekballei) evil things (ponēra).


Mat. 12:36 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I say (legō) to you (humin), that (hoti) every (pan) non-working (argon) statement (rhēma) which (ho) the (hoi) mortals (anthrōpoi) shall speak (lalēsousin), they shall give (apodōsousin) [a] word (logon) about (peri) it (autou) in (en) [a] day (hēmera) of judgment (kriseōs).


Mat. 12:37 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) out (ek) of the (tōn) words (logōn) of you (sou) you shall be made righteous (dikaiōthēsē);


and (kai) out (ek) of the (tōn) words (logōn) of you (sou) you shall be condemned (katadikasthēsē).” 


Mat. 12:38 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) some (tines) of the (tōn) writers (grammateōn) and (kai) Pharisees (Pharisaiōn) were caused to make [a] decision (apekrithēsan), saying (legontes), “Teacher (didaskale), we desire (thelomen) to see (idein) [a] sign (sēmeion) from (apo) you (sou).” 


Mat. 12:39 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v15] having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “[An] evil (ponēra) generation (genea), and (kai) [an] adulterous (moichalis) [generation, RE], searches over (epizētei) [the sake, AE] of [a] sign (sēmeion)


And (kai) [a] sign (sēmeion) shall absolutely not be given (ou dothēsetai) to her (autē), if (ei) not (mē) the (to) sign (sēmeion) of the (tou) prophet (prophētou) Jonah (Iōna)


Mat. 12:40 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) so be it as (hōsper) Jonah (Iōnas) was being (ēn) in (en) the (tē) belly (koilia) of the (tou) whale (kētous) three (treis) days (hēmeras) and (kai) three (treis) nights (nuktas), thusly (houtōs) the (ho) Son (huios) of the (tou) Mortal (anthrōpou) shall cause himself to be (estai) in (en) the (tē) heart (kardia) of the (tēs) ground (gēs) three (treis) days (hēmeras) and (kai) three (treis) nights (nuktas)


Mat. 12:41 (LIT/UBS4) Males (andres), Ninevites (Nineueitai) shall cause themselves to stand up (anastēsontai) in (en) the (tē) judgment (krisei) with (meta) the (tēs) generation (geneas) of this (tautēs), and (kai) they shall condemn (katakrinousin) her (autēn);


because (hoti) they repented (metenoēsan) into (eis) the (to) thing preached (kerugma) of Jonah (Iōna)!


And (kai) behold (idou), [[a] prophet, v39, RE] more than (pleion) Jonah (Iōna) [is] here (hōde)!


(See Jonah 3:1 - 4:11)


Mat. 12:42 (LIT/UBS4) [A] queen (basilissa) of [a] south wind (notou) shall be awakened (egerthēsetai) in (en) the (tē) judgment (krisei) with (meta) the (tēs) generation (geneas) of this (tautēs), and (kai) she shall condemn (katakrinei) her (autēs);


because (hoti) she came (ēlthen) out (ek) of the (tōn) extreme parts (peratōn) of the (tēs) land (gēs) to hear (akousai) the (tēn) wisdom (sophian) of Solomon (Solomōnos), and (kai) behold (idou), [[a] king, AE] more than (pleion) Solomon (Solomōnos) [is] here (hōde)!


(See 1 Kings 10:1-9; 2 Chron. 9:1-8)


Mat. 12:43 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when perhaps (hotan) the (to) unclean (akatharton) spirit (pneuma) may come out (exelthē) from (apo) the (tou) mortal (anthrōpou), it causes itself to come through (dierchetai) through (di’) waterless (anudrōn) places (topōn), searching (zētoun) [for places, ER] of resting up (anapausin), and (kai) it absolutely does not find (ouch heuriskei) [places, ER]!”


Mat. 12:44 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) it says (legei), “I shall turn back (epistrepsō) into (eis) the (ton) house (oikon) of me (mou) from which (hothen) I came out (exēlthon).”


And (kai) having come (elthon) it finds (heuriskei) [the mortal, v43, RE] being schooled (scholazonta), having been brushed off (sesarōmenon) and (kai) having been set in order (kekosmēmenon).


Mat. 12:45 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) it causes itself to go (poreuetai) and (kai) takes along (paralambanei) together with (meth’) itself (heautou) seven (hepta) spirits (pneumata) of another kind (hetera), [spirits, RE] [as, AE] evil [as, AE] (ponērotera) itself (heautou)


And (kai) they having entered in (eiselthonta), it homes-down (katoikei) there (ekei).  


And (kai) the (ta) last (eschata) [seven evil spirits, RE] of the (tou) mortal (anthrōpou) of that (ekeinou) are caused to become (genetai) worse (cheirona) [spirits, RE] [than, AE] the (tōn) first (prōtōn) [unclean spirit, v43, RE]!


Thusly (houtōs) <shall> the (tē) evil (ponēra) cause itself to be (estai) to the (tē) generation (genea), to this one (tautē), also (kai)!


Mat. 12:46 (LIT/UBS4) Yet while (eti) he is speaking (lalountos) to the (tois) crowds (ochlois) of him (autou), behold (idou), the (hē) mother (mētēr) and (kai) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi) of him (autou) had stood (heistēkeisan) outside (exō) searching (zētountes) to speak (lalēsai) to him (autō)!


Mat. 12:47 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) someone (tis) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “Behold (idou), the (hē) mother (mētēr) of you (sou), and (kai) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi) of you (sou) have stood (hestēkasin) outside (exō) searching (zētountes) to speak (lalēsai) to you (soi)!”


Mat. 12:48 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v15, RE] having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) [someone, RE], saying (legonti) to him (autō), “Who (tis) is (estin) the (hē) mother (mētēr) of me (mou)?


And (kai) who (tines) are (eisin) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi) of me (mou)?”


Mat. 12:49 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having stretched out (ekteinas) the (tēn) hand (cheira) of him (autou) over (epi) the (tous) disciples (mathētas) of him (autou), he enunciated (eipen), “Behold (idou),  the (hē) mother (mētēr) of me (mou) and (kai) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi) of me (mou)!


Mat. 12:50 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) perhaps (an) anyone who (hostis) may do (poiēsē) the (to) desire (thelēma) of the (tou) Father (patros) of me (mou), the (tou) [Father, RE] in (en) [the] heavens (ouranois), he (autos) is (estin) [a] brother (adelphos) of me (mou), and (kai) [a] sister (adelphē) [of me, RE], and (kai) [a] mother (mētēr) [of me, RE]”