Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 13


Update:  2024.07.01


Mat. 13:1 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) the (tē) day (hēmera) of that (ekeinē), the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having come out (exelthōn) of the (tēs) house (oikias), he was causing himself to sit down (ekathēto) alongside (para) the (tēn) sea (thalassan).


Mat. 13:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) many (polloi) crowds (ochloi) were brought together (sunēchthēsan) to (pros) him (auton), and so (hōste) he was embarking (embanta) into (eis) [a] ship (ploion) to cause himself to sit down (kathēsthai).


And (kai) the (ho) crowd (ochlos), everyone (pas), had stood (heistēkei) upon (epi) the (ton) shore (aigialon).


Mat. 13:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he spoke (elalēsen) to them (autois) many things (polla) in (en) parables (parabolais), saying (legōn), “Behold (idou), the (ho) [sower, AE] sowing (speirōn) the (tou) [seed, AE] came out (exēlthen) to sow (speirein).


Mat. 13:4 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) in (en) the (tō) [time, AE] of him (auton) to sow (speirein), truly (men) [there was] [seed, AE] which (ha) fell (epesen) alongside (para) the (tēn) way (hodon)


(See verse 19)


And (kai) the (ta) flying animals (peteina) having come (elthonta), they devoured (katephagen) them (auta).


Mat. 13:5 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) other (alla) [seed, AE] fell (epesen) upon (epi) the (ta) stony places (petrōdē), where (hopou) [seed, AE] was absolutely not having (ouk eichen) [sic] much (pollēn) soil (gēn)!


And (kai) straightaway (eutheōs) [seed, AE] rose up out (exaneteilen), through (dia) [the sake] of the (to) soil (gēs) not (mē) to have (echein) depth (bathos).


Mat. 13:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [the] sun (hēliou) having rose up (anateilantos), [seed, AE] was burned (ekaumatisthē).


And (kai) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (to) [seed, AE] not (mē) to have (echein) [a] root (rhizan) it was dried out (exēranthē).


Mat. 13:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) other (alla) [seed, AE] fell (epesen) upon (epi) the (tas) thorns (akanthas), and (kai) the (hai) thorns (akanthai) stepped up (anebēsan) and (kai) choked (epnixan) them (auta).


Mat. 13:8 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) other (alla) [seed, AE] fell (epesen) upon (epi) the (tēn) soil (gēn), the (tēn) beautiful (kalēn) [soil, RE], and (kai) [the soil, RE] was giving (edidou) produce (karpon).


Truly (men), the (ho) [beautiful soil, RE] [was giving, RE] [[a] produce, RE] of [a] hundred (hekaton)!


But (de) the (ho) [other, ER] [beautiful soil, RE] [was giving, RE] [[a] produce, RE] of sixty (hexēkonta).


But (de) the (ho) [other, ER] [beautiful soil, RE] [was giving, ER] [[a] produce, RE] of thirty (triakonta).


Mat. 13:9 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) [sower, v3, AE] having (echōn) ears (ōta), hear (akouetō)!”


Mat. 13:10 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hoi) disciples (mathētai) having come to (proselthontes) [the Jesus, v1, RE], they enunciated (eipan) to him (autō), “Through (dia) [the sake, AE] of what (ti) do you speak (laleis) to them (autois) in (en) parables (parabolais)?”


Mat. 13:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v1, RE] having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Because (hoti) it has been given (dedotai) to you (humin) to know (gnōnai) the (ta) mysteries (musteria) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn).


But (de) to those (ekeinois) it has absolutely not been given (ou dedotai)!


Mat. 13:12 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) to whoever (hostis) has (echei) [beautiful soil, v8, RE], to him (autō) shall be given (dothēsetai) [the mysteries of the Kingdom of the God, v11, RE], and (kai) he shall be caused to abound (perisseuthēsetai).


But (de) to whoever (hostis) absolutely does not have (ouk echei) [beautiful soil, v8, RE], that which (ho) also (kai) he has (echei) shall be removed (arthēsetai) from (ap’) him (autou)!


Mat. 13:13 (LIT/UBS4) Through (dia) [the sake, AE] of this (touto) I speak (lalō) to them (autois) in (en) parables (parabolais):


because (hoti) they being ones seeing (blepontes), they absolutely do not see (ou blepousin) [parables, RE]! 


And (kai) they being ones hearing (akouontes), they absolutely do not hear (ouk akouousin) [parables, RE], but absolutely nor (oude) do they put [parables, RE] together (suniousin)!


Mat. 13:14 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) for them (autois) the (hē) prophecy (prophēteia) of Isaiah (Hsaiou) is fulfilled (anaplēroutai), the (hē) [prophecy, RE] saying (legousa), ‘You shall hear (akousete) [a] thing heard (akoē), and (kai) no (mē), absolutely not (ou) might you put it together (sunēte)! 


And (kai) you being ones seeing (blepontes), you shall look at (blepsete) [[a] thing seen, RE] and (kai) no (mē), absolutely not (ou) might you see (idēte)!


Mat. 13:15 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hē) heart (kardia) of the (tou) people (laou) of this (toutou) was made thick3975 (epachunthē);


and (kai) the (tois) ears (ōsin) heard (ēkousan) weightily (bareōs);


and (kai) the (tous) eyes (ophthalmous) of them (autōn) are closed down (ekammusan).


At no time (mēpote) <might> the (tois) eyes (ophthalmois) see (idōsin), and (kai) <might> the (tois) ears (ōsin) hear (akousōsin), and (kai) <might> the (tē) heart (kardia) [of the people, RE] put it together (sunōsin), and (kai) they <might> turn back (epistrepsōsin) and (kai) I shall cause myself to heal (iasomai) them (autous)!’


(See Isaiah 6:9-10; Mat. 13:14-15; Acts 28:26-27)


Mat. 13:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) eyes (ophthalmoi) of you (humōn) [are] happy (makarioi) [eyes, RE] because (hoti) they see (blepousin) [parables, v13, RE], and (kai) the (ta) ears (ōta) of you (humōn) [are] [happy, RE] [ears, RE] because (hoti) they hear (akouousin) [parables, v13, RE].


Mat. 13:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) truly (amēn) I say (legō) to you (humin), that (hoti) many (polloi) prophets (prophētai) and (kai) righteous ones (dikaioi) lusted (epethumēsan) to see (idein) [parables, v13, RE] which (ha) you look at (blepete), and (kai) they absolutely did not see (ouk eidan) [parables, v13, RE];


and (kai) to hear (akousai) [parables, v13, RE] which (ha) you hear (akouete), and (kai) they absolutely did not hear (ouk ēkousan) [parables, v13, RE]!


Mat. 13:18 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), you (humeis) hear (akousate) the (tēn) parable (parabolēn) of the (tou) [the seed, v3, RE] having been sown (speirantos).


Mat. 13:19 (LIT/UBS4) Of anyone (pantos) hearing (akouontos) the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias) and (kai) not putting [the Word of the Kingdom, RE] together (mē sunientos), the (ho) evil one (ponēros) causes himself to come (erchetai) and (kai) he snatches (harpazei) the (to) [Word of the Kingdom, RE] having been sown (esparmenon) in (en) the (tē) heart (kardia) of him (autou).


This (houtos) [seed, v3, RE] is (estin) the (ho) [Word of the Kingdom, RE] having been sown (spareis) alongside (para) the (tēn) way (hodon)


(See verses 3-4)


(For the devil, the *god of this cosmos, coming to steal, kill, and destroy the assembly (ekklēsia), the one body of Christ, and all mortalkind, to cause them to wander away from the one true God and his Word, see Mat. 6:13, 13:19; Mark 1:13a, 4:15, 13:5-6; Luke 13:16, 21:8, 22:3, 31; John 8:44, 10:10a, 13:27; Acts 5:3; 1 Cor. 7:5, 31b; 2 Cor. 2:11, *4:4, 11:13-15; Gal. 1:4; Eph. 4:11-14, 6:11-16; 1 Thes. 2:17-18; 2 Thes. 2:7-12; 1 Tim. 4:1-2, 5:13-15; 2 Tim. 3:13; 1 John 3:11-13, 4:1-6, 5:19; 2 John 1:7; Rev. 2:9, 12-15, 20, 12:7-17; 13:14, 18:21-23, 19:20, 20:3-10)


Mat. 13:20 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [seed, AE] having been sown (spareis) upon (epi) the (ta) stony places (petrōdē), this (houtos) [stony place, RE] is (estin) the (ho) [disciple, v10, RE] hearing (akouōn) the (ton) Word (logon) and (kai) straightaway (euthus) receiving (lambanōn) it (auton) with (meta) joy (charas);


Mat. 13:21 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [the disciple, v10, RE] absolutely does not have (ouk echei) [a] root (rhiza) in (en) to himself (heautō), BUT (alla), he is (estin) [receiving it, v20, RE] for [a] time (proskairos)!  


But (de) something of mental pressure having caused itself to come (genomenēs thlipseōs), or (ē) [a] pursuit (diōgmou) [having caused itself to come, RE] through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (ton) Word (logon), straightaway (euthus) [the disciple, v10, RE] is scandalized (skandalizetai)!


(See verses 5-6.)


Mat. 13:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [seed, AE] having been sown (spareis) into (eis) the (tas) thorns (akanthas), this (houtos) [thorny place, RE] is (estin) the (ho) [the disciple, v10, ER] hearing (akouōn) the (ton) Word (logon).


And (kai) the (hē) worry (merimna) of the (tou) age (aiōnos), and (kai) the (hē) deceitfulness (apatē) of the (tou) wealth (ploutou) together choke (sumpnigei) the (ton) Word (logon), and (kai) it is caused to become (ginetai) unproductive (akarpos).


(See verse 7.)


Mat. 13:23 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [seed, AE] being sown (stareis) upon (epi) the (tēn) beautiful (kalēn) soil (gēn), this (houtos) [beautiful soil, RE] is (estin) the (ho) [disciple, v10, ER] hearing (akouōn) and (kai) putting together (sunieis) the (ton) Word (logon), [[a] disciple, v10, ER] who (hos) by all means (dē) brings forth produce (karpophorei).


And (kai), truly (men), the (ho) [beautiful, RE] [disciple, v10, ER] does (poiei) [[a] production , RE] of [a] hundred (hekaton)!


But (de) the (ho) [other, v8, ER] [beautiful, RE] [disciple, v10, ER] [does, ER] [[a] production , RE] of sixty (hexekonta).


But (de) the (ho) [other, v8, ER] [beautiful, RE] [disciple, v10, ER] [does, ER] [[a] production , RE] of thirty (triakonta).


(See verse 8.)


A Mortal Having Sown Beautiful Seed


Mat. 13:24 (LIT/UBS4) He passed along (parethēken) another (allēn) parable (parabolēn) to them (autois), saying (legōn), “The (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) was made [a] likeness (hōmoiōthē) to [a] mortal (anthrōpō) having sown (speiranti) beautiful (kalon) seed (sperma) in (en) the (tō) field (agro) of him (autou).


Mat. 13:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) in (en) the (tō) [time, AE] of the (tous) mortals (anthrōpous) to be down asleep (katheudein) the (ho) hated (echthros) [mortal, RE] of him (autou) came (ēlthen), and (kai) sowed zizania up over (epespeiren zizania ana) amidst (meson) the (tou) grain (sitou), and (kai) went away (apēlthen).


Mat. 13:26 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hote) the (ho) fodder (chortos) sprouted (eblastēsen) and (kai) made (epoiēsen) produce (karpon), then (tote) the (ta) zizania (zizania) was shown (ephanē) also (kai).


Mat. 13:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) slaves (douloi) of the (tou) house master (oikodespotou) having come to (proselthontes) [the house master, RE], they enunciated (eipon) to him (autō), ‘Lord (kurie), did you absolutely not sow (ouchi espeiras) beautiful (kalon) seed (sperma) in (en) the (tō) field (agrō) to you (sō)?


Therefore (oun), from where (pothen) does it have (echei) zizania (zizania)!?’


Mat. 13:28 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [house master, v27, RE] shed light5346 (ephē) to them (autois), ‘[A] mortal (anthrōpos), [a] hated (echthros) [mortal, RE], did (epoiēsen) this (touto).’


But (de) the (hoi) slaves (douloi) say (legousin) to him (autō), ‘Therefore (oun), having gone away (apelthontes) do you desire (theleis) [that, AE] we may collect them together (sullexōmen auta)?’


Mat. 13:29 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [house master, v27, RE] shed light5346 (phēsin), ‘Absolutely not (ou), at no time (mēpote)!


You collecting together (sullegontes) the (ta) zizania (zizania) may root out (ekrizōsēte) the (ton) grain (siton) at the same time (hama) [collecting together, RE] them (autois)!


Mat. 13:30 (LIT/UBS4) Let go (aphete) of both (amphotera) to grow together (sunauxanesthai) until (heōs) the (tou) harvest (therismou). 


And (kai) in (en) time (kairō) of the (tou) harvest (therismou) I shall state (erō) to the (tois) harvesters (theristais),Collect together (sullexate) first (prōton) the (ta) zizania (zizania), and (kai) bind (dēsate) them (auta) into (eis) bundles (desmas) toward (pros) the (to) [fire, AE] to burn them down (katakausai auta)


But (de) of the (ton) grain (siton), bring [the grain, RE] together (sunagagete) into (eis) the (tēn) apothecary (apothēkēn) of me (mou).’


(For more about how ones become separated from God, paying close attention to associated contexts, see Mat. 3:11-12, 12:30, 13:24-30, 13:37-43, 13:47-51, 22:1-14, 25:24-46; Luke 3:15-17, 11:23, 16:19-31, 22:31-32; John 11:49-52, 15:1-6; Acts 4:13-21; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 2 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 4:18; Rev. 16:12-16.)


A Kernel Of A Mustard Tree


Mat. 13:31 (LIT/UBS4) He passed along (parethēken) another (allēn) parable (parabolēn) to them (autois), saying (legōn), The (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (estin) like (homoia) [a] kernel (kokkō) of [a] mustard tree (sinapeōs);


of which (hon) [a] mortal (anthrōpos) having taken (labōn) [[a] kernel of [a] mustard tree, RE] he sowed (espeiren) [[a] kernel, RE] in (en) the (tō) field (agrō) of him (autou);


Mat. 13:32 (LIT/UBS4) which (ho) [kernel, v31, RE], truly (men), is (estin) [a] small (mikroteron) [kernal, v31, RE] of all (pantōn) of the (tōn) seeds (spermatōn)!


But (de) perhaps when (hotan) it may be caused to grow (auxēthē) it is (estin) [a] greater (meizon) [plant, RE] of the (tōn) cultivated plants (lachanōn), and (kai) it causes itself to become (ginetai) [a] tree (dendron);


and so (hōste) the (ta) flying animals (peteina) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou) come (elthein) and (kai) tent down (kataskēnoun) in (en) the (tois) branches (kladois) of it (autou).”




Mat. 13:33 (LIT/UBS4) He spoke (elalēsen) to them (autois) another (allēn) parable (parabolēn): “The (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (en) like (homoia) leaven (zumē);


of which (hēn) [a] female (gunē) having taken (labousa) [leaven, ER] she hid [leaven, ER] in (enekrupsen) into (eis) three (tria) dry measures (sata) of [a] grind (aleurou), until (heōs) of which (hou) [time, AE] [the] whole (holon) [grind, RE] was leavened (ezumōthē)!”


(For the God, under his new covenant, being IN believers, and he working IN and THROUGH them, see Lev. 26:11-12; Ezek. 11:19-20, 36:25-27; Mat. 13:33; Luke 17:20-21; John 3:3-8, 14:20-21, 26, 17:14-21; Rom. 8:8-11; 1 Cor. 3:16-17, 6:19-20; 2 Cor. 4:3-7, 6:14-7:1, 13:3-5, 14; Gal. 1:15-16, 2:20, 4:18-19; Eph. 2:17-22, 3:14-19; Col. 1:27; 2 Tim. 1:14; Heb. 3:6, 13:20-21; 1 John 3:23-24, 4:7-8, 15-16)


Mat. 13:34 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) spoke (elalēsan) all (panta) these things (tauta) in (en) parables (parabolais) to the (tois) crowds (ochlois).


And (kai) apart from (chōris) [a] parable (parabolēs) absolutely not one (ouden) [Word, v23, RE] was he speaking (elalei) to them (autois)!


Mat. 13:35 (LIT/UBS4) It so being that (hopōs) the (to) [prophecy, AE] may be fulfilled (plērōthē) having been stated (rhēthen) through (dia) the (tou) prophet (prophētou) saying (legontos), “I shall open up (anoixō) the (to) mouth (stoma) of me (mou) in (en) to parables (parabolais);


I shall cause myself to regurgitate (ereuxomai) things having been hidden (kekrummena) from/since (apo) [a/the] downthrow (katabolēs) of [the] cosmos (kosmou).” 


(See Psalm 78:2)


Mat. 13:36 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) having let go (apheis) of the (tous) crowds (ochlous), Jesus (Iēsous) went (ēlthen) into (eis) the (tēn) house (oikian).


And (kai) the (hoi) disciples (mathētai) of him (autou) came to (prosēlthon) him (autō), saying (legontes), “Make thoroughly clear (diasaphēson) to us (hēmin) the (tēn) parable (parabolēn) of the (tou) zizania (zizaniōn) of the (tou) field (agrou)!


Mat. 13:37 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he (ho) [Jesus, v36, RE] having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen), “The (ho) [mortal, RE] sowing (speirōn) the (to) beautiful (kalon) seed (sperma) is (estin) the (ho) Son (huios) of the (tou) Mortal (anthropou).


Mat. 13:38 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) field (agros) is (estin) the (ho) cosmos (kosmos)


But (de) the (ho) beautiful (kalon) seed (sperma), these (houtoi) [sons, RE], are (eisin) the (hoi) sons (huioi) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias)


But (de) the (ta) zizania (zizania) are (eisin) the (hoi) sons (huioi) of the (tou) evil (ponērou) [kingdoms, vLuke 4:5-6, RE].


Mat. 13:39 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) hated (echthros) [mortal, RE], the (ho) [mortal, RE] having sown (speiras) them (auta), is (estin) the (ho) diabolical one (diabolos).  


But (de) the (ho) harvest (therismos) is (estin) [the] complete coming together (sunteleia) of [the] age (aiōnos)


But (de) the (hoi) harvesters (theristai) are (eisin) messengers (angeloi).


Mat. 13:40 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), so be it as (hōsper) the (ta) zizania (zizanion) are collected together (sullegetai) and (kai) [are] down (kata) for fire (puri), thusly (houtōs) shall it cause itself to be (estai) in (en) the (tē) complete coming together (sunteleia) of the (tou) age (aiōnos).


Mat. 13:41 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Son (huios) of the (tou) Mortal (anthrōpou) shall send (apostelei) the (tous) messengers (angelous) of him (autou), and (kai) they shall collect together (sullexousin) out (ek) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias) of him (autou) all (panta) of the (ta) scandalous (skandala) [mortals, RE], and (kai) the (tous) [mortals, RE] doing (poiountas) the (tēn) lawlessness (anomian).


Mat. 13:42 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they shall throw (balousin) them (autous) into (eis) the (tēn) furnace (kaminon) of the (tou) fire (puri).


There (ekei) the (ho) wailing (klauthmos), and (kai) the (ho) grinding (brugmos) of the (tōn) teeth (odontōn), shall cause itself to be (estai).


Mat. 13:43 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (hoi) righteous (dikaioi) [mortals, RE] shall shine out (eklampsousin) as (hōs) the (ho) sun (hēlios) in (en) the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) Father (patros) of them (autōn).  


The (ho) [mortal, RE] having (echōn) ears (ōta), hear (akouetō).


(For Jesus’ kingdom see Mat. 13:37-43; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:19-23; Heb. 2:5-8)


(For more about how ones become separated from God, paying close attention to associated contexts, see Mat. 3:11-12, 12:30, 13:24-30, 13:37-43, 13:47-51, 22:1-14, 25:24-46; Luke 3:15-17, 11:23, 16:19-31, 22:31-32; John 11:49-52, 15:1-6; Acts 4:13-21; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 2 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 4:18; Rev. 16:12-16.)


A Treasure


Mat. 13:44 (LIT/UBS4) The (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (estin) like (homoia) [a] treasure (thēsaurō) having been hidden (kekrummenō) in (en) the (tō) field (agrō);


of which (hon) [a] mortal (anthrōpos) having found (heurōn) [[the] treasure, ER], he hid (ekrupsen) [[the] treasure, ER]. 


And (kai) from (apo) the (tēs) joy (charas) of him (autou) he gets underway (hupagei) and (kai) sells (pōlei) all (panta), as many things as (hosa) he has (echei), and (kai) he goes to market to buy (agorazei) the (ton) field (agron) of that (ekeinon)!


A Pearl


Mat. 13:45 (LIT/UBS4) Again (palin), the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (estin) like (homoia) [a] mortal (anthrōpō), [a] merchant (emporō) searching (zētounti) for beautiful (kalous) pearls (margaritas).


Mat. 13:46 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he having found (heurōn) one (hen) very valuable (polutimon) pearl (margaritēn), having gone away (apelthōn) he sold (pepraken) all (panta), as many things as (hosa) he was having (eichen), and (kai) he went to market to buy (ēgorasen) it (auton).


A Net Full Of Fish


Mat. 13:47 (LIT/UBS4) Again (palin), the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (estin) like (homoia) [a] dragnet (sagēnē) having been thrown (blētheisē) into (eis) the (tēn) sea (thalassan), and (kai) it having brought together (sunagagousē) [fish, AE] out (ek) of every (pantos) genus (genous);


Mat. 13:48 (LIT/UBS4) which (hēn), when (hote) [the] [dragnet, v47, RE] was filled (eplērōthē), they having gone up (anabibasantes) upon (epi) the (ton) shore (aigialon) and (kai) having sat down (kathisantes), they collected together (sunelexan) the (ta) beautiful (kala) [fish, AE] into (eis) jars (angē), but (de) the (ta) rotten (sapra) [fish, AE] they threw (ebalon) out (exō).


Mat. 13:49 (LIT/UBS4) Thusly (houtōs) shall it cause itself to be (estai) in (en) the (tē) complete coming together (sunteleia) of the (tou) age (aiōnos).


The (hoi) messengers (angeloi) shall cause themselves to come out (exeleusontai), and (kai) they shall segregate away (aphoriousin) the (tous) evil (ponērous) [mortals, RE] out (ek) [of the, RE] midst (mesou) of the (tōn) righteous (dikaiōn) [mortals, RE],


Mat. 13:50 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) they shall throw (balousin) them (autous) into (eis) the (tēn) furnace (kaminon) of the (tou) fire (puros).


There (ekei) the (ho) wailing (klauthmos), and (kai) the (ho) grinding (brugmos) of the (tōn) teeth (odontōn), shall cause itself to be (estai).”


Mat. 13:51 (LIT/UBS4) “Have you put together (sunēkate) all (panta) these things (tauta)?”


They say (legousin) to him (autō), “Yes” (nai).


(For more about how ones become separated from God, paying close attention to associated contexts, see Mat. 3:11-12, 12:30, 13:24-30, 13:37-43, 13:47-51, 22:1-14, 25:24-46; Luke 3:15-17, 11:23, 16:19-31, 22:31-32; John 11:49-52, 15:1-6; Acts 4:13-21; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 2 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 4:18; Rev. 16:12-16.)


(For the revealing by fire of those who are and who are not righteous, see Dan. 3; Mat. 3:10-12, 7:19, *13:24-51; Luke 3:9, 16-17, 12:49; John 15:6; Rom. 1:18; *1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Thes. 1:7-9; Heb. 10:26-29, 12:18; 1 Pet. 1:5-7; 2 Pet. 3:7-12; Jude 1:5-7; Rev. 8:5-11, 9:13-21; 14:18-20, 16:8-9, 17:16, *18:1-24, 20:7-15)


A Writer


Mat. 13:52 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he (ho) enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “Through (dia) [the sake, AE] of this (touto), anyone (pas), [a] writer (grammateus), he having been made [a] disciple (mathēteutheis) to the (tē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn), he is (estin) [a] mortal (anthrōpō) like (homoios) [a] house master (oikodespotē), someone who (hostis), out (ek) of the (tou) treasure (thēsaurou) of him (autou), throws out (ekballei) new things (kaina) and (kai) old things (palaia).”


Mat. 13:53 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he caused it to come to pass (egeneto), when (hote) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) completed (etelesen) these (tautas) parables (parabolas), he lifted it (metēren) from there (ekeithen).


Mat. 13:54 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having come (elthōn) into (eis) the (tēn) fatherland (patrida) of him (autou) he was teaching (edidasken) them (autous) in (en) the (tē) synagogue (sunagōgē) of them (autōn), and so (hōste) for them (autous) to be knocked out1605 (ekplēssesthai);


and (kai) [for them, RE] to say (legein), “From where (pothen) [came, AE] to this (toutō) [Jesus, v53, RE] the (hē) wisdom (sophia) of this (hautē), and (kai) the (hai) inherently powered works (dunameis)!?


Mat. 13:55 (LIT/UBS4) Is (estin) this (houtos) [Jesus, v53, RE] absolutely not (ouch) the (ho) son (huios) of the (tou) woodworker (tektonos)!?


[Is this one, RE] absolutely not (ouch) the (hē) mother (mētēr) of him (autou), said (legetai) [to be] Mariam (Mariam), and (kai) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi) of him (autou) - James (Iakōbos), and (kai) Joses (Iōsēph), and (kai) Simon (Simōn), and (kai) Judas (Ioudas)!?


Mat. 13:56 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hai) sisters (adelphai) of him (autou), are they (eisin) absolutely not (ouchi) all (pasai) toward (pros) us (hēmas)!?


Therefore (oun), from where (pothen) [came, AE] all (panta) these things (tauta) to this (tauta) [Jesus, v53, RE]!?"


Mat. 13:57 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they were being scandalized (eskandalizonto) in (en) him (autō).


But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “[A] prophet (prophētēs) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) [a] dishonorable (atimos) [prophet, RE], if (ei) not (mē) in (en) the (tē) fatherland (patridi), and (kai) in (en) the (tē) house (oikia) of him (autou)!”


Mat. 13:58 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he did absolutely not (ouk epoiēsen) many (pollas) inherently powered works (dunameis) there (ekei) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (tēn) unbelief (apistian) of them (autōn)!