Literal Idiomatic Translation
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Chapter 22


Update:  2024.07.08


Mat. 22:1 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), again (palin) he enunciated (eipen) in (en) parables (parabolais) to them (autois), saying (legōn),


Mat. 22:2 (LIT/UBS4) “The (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is like (homoiōthē) [a] mortal (anthrōpō), [a] king (basilei), who (hostis) made (epoiēsen) marriage preparations (gamous) for the (tō) son (huiō) of him (autou).


Mat. 22:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he sent (apesteilen) the (tous) slaves (doulous) of him (autou) to call aloud (kalesai) for the (tous) [mortals, v2, RE] having been called aloud (keklēmenous) into (eis) the (tous) marriage preparations (gamous), and (kai) they were absolutely not desiring (ouk ethelon) to come (elthein)!


Mat. 22:4 (LIT/UBS4) Again (palin) he sent (apesteilen) other (allous) slaves (doulous), saying (legōn), ‘You enunciate (eipate) to the (tois) [mortals, v2, RE] having been called aloud (keklēmenois), ‘Behold (idou), I have made ready (hētoimaka) the (to) breakfast (ariston) of me (mou)


The (hoi) bulls (tauroi) of me (mou) and (kai) the (ta) grain-feds (sitista) having been sacrificed (tethumena), and (kai) all things (panta), [are] ready (hetoima).’


Secondly (deute), ‘[Go, AE] into (eis) the (tous) marriage preparations (gamous)!’’


Mat. 22:5 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) [mortals, v2, RE] having been uncaring (amelēsantes), went away (apēlthon).


Truly (men), [there was, AE] [[a] mortal, v2, ER] who (hos) [went away, RE] into (eis) the (ton) field (agron) of his own (idion),


but (de) [[a] mortal, v2, ER] who (hos) [went away, RE] over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (tēn) merchandising (emporian) of him (autou)!


Mat. 22:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) remaining (loipoi) [mortals, v2, ER] having powerfully held (kratēsantes) the (tous) slaves (doulous) of him (autou), they violated (hubrisan) and (kai) killed (apekteinan) [the slaves, RE]!


Mat. 22:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) king (basileus) was made angry (ōrgisthē).


And (kai) having sent (pemphas) the (ta) armies (strateumata) of him (autou), he destroyed (apōlesen) the (tous) murderers (phoneis) of those (ekeinous) [slaves, v6, RE], and (kai) he set in flame (eneprēsen) the (tēn) city (polin) of them (autōn).


Mat. 22:8 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) he said (legei) to the (tous) slaves (doulois) of him (autou), ‘Truly (men), the (ho) marriage preparation (gamos) is (estin) ready (hetoimos)!


But (de) the (hoi) [mortals, v2, ER] having been called aloud (keklēmenoi) were absolutely not being (ouk ēsan) worthy (axioi) [mortals, v2, ER]!


Mat. 22:9 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), cause yourselves to go (poreuesthe) upon (epi) the (tas) exits (diexodous) of the (tōn) ways (hodōn), and (kai) if perhaps (ean) as many [mortals, v2, ER] as (hosous) you may find (heurōte) call them aloud (kalesate) into (eis) the (tous) marriage preparations (gamous).’


Mat. 22:10 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hoi) slaves (douloi), those (ekeinoi) [slaves, RE], having gone out (exelthontes) into (eis) the (tas) ways (hodous), they brought together (sunēgagon) all (pantas) [mortals, v2, ER], as many as (hosous) they found (heuron), both (te) of evil (ponērous) [mortals, v2, ER] and (kai) of good (agathous) [mortals, v2, ER], and (kai) the (ho) marriage preparation (gamos) was filled (eplēsthē) [of evil and of good [mortals, v2, ER], RE] causing themselves to lie up345 (anakeimenōn).


Mat. 22:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) king (basileus) having entered in (eiselthōn), he made himself [a] spectator (theasasthai) of the (tous) [mortals, v2, ER] causing themselves to lie up345 (anakeimenous).


He saw (eiden) there (ekei) [a] mortal (anthrōpon) absolutely not having enrobed himself in (ouk endedumenon) marriage preparation (gamou) clothing (enduma)!


Mat. 22:12 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he says (legei) to him (autō), ‘Attendee (hetaire), how (pōs) did you enter into (eisēlthes) here (hōde) not (mē) having (echōn) marriage preparation (gamou) clothing (enduma)?’ 


But (de) the (ho) [mortal, v11, RE] was muzzled (ephimōthē).


Mat. 22:13 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (ho) king (basileus) enunciated (eipen) to the (tois) ministers (diakonois), ‘Having bound (dēsantes) [the] feet (podas) and (kai) hands (cheiras) of him (autou), throw him out (ekbalete auton) into (eis) the (to) darkness (skotos), the (to) outer (exōteron) [darkness, RE].’ 


Out there (ekei) the (ho) wailing (klauthmos), and (kai) the (ho) grinding (brugmos) of the (tōn) teeth (odontōn) shall cause itself to be (estai).


Mat. 22:14 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) many (polloi) [mortals, v11, RE] are (eisin) called aloud (klētoi), but (de) few (oligoi) [are, RE] called out (eklektoi) [mortals, v11, RE].”


(For more about how ones become separated from God, paying close attention to associated contexts, see Mat. 3:11-12, 12:30, 13:24-30, 13:37-43, 13:47-51, 22:1-14, 25:24-46; Luke 3:15-17, 11:23, 16:19-31, 22:31-32; John 11:49-52, 15:1-6; Acts 4:13-21; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 2 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 4:18; Rev. 16:12-16.)


Mat. 22:15 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote), the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi) having been caused to go (poreuthentes) they took (elabon) counsel together (sumboulion), it so being that (hopōs) they may snare (pagideusōsin) him (auton) in (en) [a] word (logō).


Mat. 22:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they send (apostellousin) to him (autō) the (tous) disciples (mathētas) of them (autōn) with (meta) the (tōn) Herodians (Hērōdianōn), saying (legontes), “Teacher (didaskale), we have seen (oidamen) that (hoti) you are (ei) true (alēthēs), and (kai) you teach (didaskeis) the (tēn) way (hodon) of the (tou) God (theou) in (en) Truth (alētheia).


And (kai) it absolutely does not matter (ou melei) to you (soi) about (peri) absolutely not one (oudenos) [face, RE], because (gar) you absolutely do not look (ou blepeis) into (eis) [a/the] face (prosōpon) of mortals (anthrōpōn)!


Mat. 22:17 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), enunciate (eipe) to us (hēmin), what (ti) do you conclude (soi dokei)?


Is it being outside1832 (exestin) [of the law, AE] to give (dounai) [a] census2778 (kēnson) to Caesar (Kaisari), or (ē) [<to>] absolutely not (ou) [give [a] census, RE]!?


Mat. 22:18 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having known (gnous) the (tēn) evil (ponērian) of them (autōn), he enunciated (eipen), “Why (ti) are you testing (peirazete) me (me), actors (hupokritai)!?


Mat. 22:19 (LIT/UBS4) Thoroughly show (epideixate) to me (moi) the (to) currency (nomisma) of the (tou) census2778 (kēnsou).”


But (de) the (hoi) [Herodians, v16, RE] brought to (prosēnenkan) him (autō) [a] denarius (dēnarion).


Mat. 22:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he says (legei) to them (autois), “Of whom (tinos) [is] the (hē) icon (eikōn) of this (hautē), and (kai) the (hē) epigraph (epigraphē)?”


Mat. 22:21 (LIT/UBS4) They say (legousin) to him (autō), “Caesar (Kaisaros).”


Then (tote) he says (legei) to them (autois), “Therefore (oun), give away (apodote) the things (ta) of Caesar (Kaisaros) to Caesar (Kaisari), and (kai) [give away, RE] the things (ta) of God (theou) to the (tō) God (theō)!”


Mat. 22:22 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they having heard (akousantes), they were amazed (ethaumasan)!  


And (kai) having let him go (aphentes auton), they went away (apēlthan).


Mat. 22:23 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) the (tē) day (hēmera) of that (ekeinē) Sadducees (Saddoukaioi) came to (prosēlthon) him (autō), saying (legontes) [there, AE] [is] no (mē) standing up (anastasin) [of the dead ones, AE].


And (kai) they inquired (epērōtēsan) of him (auton),


Mat. 22:24 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legontes), “Teacher (didaskale), Moses (Mōusēs) enunciated (eipen), ‘If perhaps (ean) someone (tis) may die away (apothanē) not (mē) having (echōn) ones born (tekna), the (ho) brother (adelphos) of him (autou) shall in-marry (epigambreusei) the (tēn) female (gunaika) of him (autou), and (kai) shall stand up (anastēsei) seed/sperm (sperma) for the (tō) brother (adelphō) of him (autou).’


Mat. 22:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) there were being (ēsan) alongside (par’) to us (hēmin) seven (hepta) brothers (adelphoi)


And (kai) the (ho) first (prōtos) [brother, RE], having married (gēmas), he came to [an] end (eteleutēsen). 


And (kai) having (echōn) no (mē) seed/sperm (sperma), he let go (aphēken) of the (tēn) female (gunaika) of him (autou) to the (tō) brother (adelphō) of him (autou).


Mat. 22:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) likewise (homoiōs), the (ho) second (deuteros), and (kai) the (ho) third (tritos), until (hēos) the (tōn) seventh (hepta).


Mat. 22:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) latter (husteron) of all (pantōn) the (hē) female (gunē) died away (apethanen).


Mat. 22:28 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), in (en) the (tē) standing up (anastasei) [of the dead ones, AE] she shall cause herself to be (estai) [the] female (gunē) of which (tinos) of the (tōn) seven (hepta), because (gar) all (pantes) held (eschon) her (autēn)?


Mat. 22:29 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having been caused to make [a] decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to them (autois), “You are caused to wander (planasthe), you neither having seen (mē eidotes) the (tas) writings (gruphas), but (de) nor (mē) the (tēn) inherently powered work (dunamin) of the (tou) God (theou)!


Mat. 22:30 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) in (en) the (tē) standing up (anastasei) [of the dead ones, AE] they absolutely do not marry (oute gamousin), and they absolutely are not given in marriage (oute gamizontai)!


BUT (all’), they are (eisin) as (hōs) messengers (angeloi) in (en) the (tō) heaven (ouranō)!


Mat. 22:31 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) about (peri) the (tēs) standing up (anastaseōs) of the (tōn) dead ones (nekrōn), have you absolutely not read up (ouk anegnōte) the (to) [writing, v29, RE] having been stated (rhēthen) to you (humin) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) God (theou), saying (legontos),


Mat. 22:32 (LIT/UBS4) ’I (egō) am (eimi) the (ho) God (theos) of Abraham (Abraam), and (kai) the (ho) God (theos) of Isaac (Isaak), and (kai) the (ho) God (theos) of Jacob (Iakōb).’!?


(See Ex. 3:6) 


The (ho) God (theos) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) [the God, RE] of dead ones (nekrōn), BUT (alla), of ones living (zōntōn)!”


Mat. 22:33 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hoi) crowds (ochloi) having heard (akousantes), they were being knocked out1605 (exeplēssonto) over (epi) the (tē) orthodoxy (didachē) of him (autou)!


Mat. 22:34 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) Pharisees (Pharisaioi), having heard (akousantes) that (hoti) he muzzled (ephimōsen) the (tous) Sadducees (Saddoukaious), they were brought together (sunēchthēsan) over (epi) the (to) [hearing, v33, RE] of it (auto).


Mat. 22:35 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) one (heis) [Pharisee, v34, RE] out (ex) of them (autō), [a] lawyer (nomikos), inquired (epērōtēsen), testing (peirazōn) him (auton),


Mat. 22:36 (LIT/UBS4) “Teacher (didaskale), which (poia) injunction (entolē) [is] greatest (megalē) in (en) the (tō) law (nomō)?”


Mat. 22:37 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Jesus, v29, RE] shed light5346 (ephē) to him (autō), “’Love (agapēseis) [the] Lord (kurion, YHWH), the (ton) God (theon, elōhîm) of you (sou), in (en) the (tē) whole (holē) heart (kardia) of you (sou), and (kai) in (en) the (tē) whole (holē) soul (psuchē) of you (sou), and (kai) in (en) the (tē) whole (holē) thought (dianoia) of you (sou).’


(See Deut. 6:5)


Mat. 22:38 (LIT/UBS4) This (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) greatest (megalē), and (kai) [the] first (prōtē) injunction (entolē).


Mat. 22:39 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [the] second (deutera) [injunction, v38, RE] [is] like (homoia) it (autē), ‘Love (agapēseis) the (ton) neighborly one (plēsion) of you (sou) as (hōs) yourself (seauton).’


Mat. 22:40 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) these (toutais), the (tais) two (dusin) injunctions (entolais), the (ho) whole (holos) law (nomos) and (kai) the (hoi) prophets (prophētai) are caused to hang (krematai).”


Mat. 22:41 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (tōn) Pharisees (Pharisaiōn) having been caused to be brought together (sunēgmenōn), the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) inquired (epērōtēsen) of them (autous),


Mat. 22:42 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legōn), “What (ti) do you conclude (humin dokei) about (peri) the (tou) Christ (Christou)?


Of whom (tinos) is he (estin) [a] son (huios)?”


They say (legousin) to him (autō), “Of the (tou) David (Dauid).”


Mat. 22:43 (LIT/UBS4) He says (legei) to them (autois), “Therefore (oun), how (pōs) <does> David (Dauid), in (en) Spirit (pneumatic), call him aloud (kalei auton) “[a] lord (kurion, ādôn)”, saying (legōn),


Mat. 22:44 (LIT/UBS4) ‘[The] Lord (kurios, YHWH) enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) lord (kuriō, ādôn) of me (mou), ‘Cause yourself to sit down (kathou) out (ek) right (dexiōn) of me (mou) until (heōs) perhaps (an) I may put (thō) the (tous) hated ones (echthrous) of you (sou) down under (hupokatō) the (tōn) feet (podōn) of you (sou)!'


(For Christ Jesus' footstool, see Psalm 110:1; Mat. 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; *Rom. 16:20; 1 Cor. 15:25-28; Eph. 1:22; Heb. 1:13, 2:8, 10:13)


Mat. 22:45 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), if (ei) David (Dauid) calls him aloud (kalei auton) ‘[a] lord (kurion, ādôn)’, how (pōs) is he (estin) [a] son (huios) of him (autou)?”


Mat. 22:46 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) absolutely not one (oudeis) [Pharisee, v41, RE] was being inherently powered (edunato) to make [a] decision (apokrithēnai) for him (autō), [absolutely not one, RE] word (logon)!


But absolutely not (oude) anyone (tis), from (ap’) the (tēs) day (hēmeras) of that (ekeinēs), <was> absolutely no longer yet (ouketi) audacious enough (etolmēsen) to enquire (eperōtēsai) of him (auton)!